Take Me Away - PUBLISHED

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*Keep in mind this was written for the specific day the whole story is coming out*

Author's Note:

Hello, all!

If you cannot tell, this is going to be the third installment of my Broken trilogy. I'm 100% certain this will be the last book of it's series and if you haven't read the other books yet, I would recommend doing so or else it may cause some confusion, although you'll probably catch on.

I'd like to assure those who are concerned that the story is fully wrapped around Chester and Mike. There are rare moments where it's only their kids but it's all about them. I totally understand how boring some fictions can get when the kids are involved too much - although some authors can do so perfectly.

I chose to post this story on Halloween day because Broken, the first book, was completed on this day and To My Horror, the second, had begun. It's a special day for all my fics and hopefully my followers, as I wouldn't have written any other stories on here without the first one marking itself under my name.

I'm genuinely filled with many emotions, this site has done so much for my writing abilities and giving me the confidence to write as I please. I can't thank those who read my stories enough times, I must praise you! You keep me writing and reading, giving me a sense of love. I wish to repay you for everything by creating this story and working my butt off to complete it by this day.

I hope you enjoy it and don't worry about leaving comments unless you'd like to. This story was made for you, you don't have to work for it by reviewing. (:

Much, much love,



"Mike, we just got the band back together and you're going back to Fort Minor?" Chester asked sourly as his husband packed some bags for his tour with his side group. "What happened to 'It's just one song, Chester.' 'Everything's fine, Chester.' 'Family comes first. Then Linkin Park. Fort Minor is the furthest thing from my mind, Chester.' Huh?"

"Things change. I need a break." Mike countered and Chester gawked at him.

"From the band or me?" Chester asked, not bothering to hide the hurt tone in his voice.

"Chester, stop. I know what you're doing." Mike sighed and stopped packing. He headed downstairs into the kitchen, Chester not far behind.

"Oh? And what is that? Trying to hold my family together?" Chester rolled his eyes but Mike didn't feel the least bit guilty. In truth, he needed a break from his family and his closest friends.

"Fine. I need a break from this. I need a break from being worried that Jason or Scott will break out of prison and hurt you again. I'm sick of being so concerned for the boys and just praying that while they get older, they never go through what you did or saw what I saw. I'm afraid of the people I love getting hurt and not being able to do anything about it." Mike said, a huge weight lifted off his shoulders.

"What did dad go through?" A teenage Draven asked. His slightly younger brother, Tyler, right beside him.

"Who's Jason and Scott?" Tyler asked and their fathers looked at each other, neither knowing how to go about this conversation.

"It's nothing. They're no one." Chester gave the two a light smile but they weren't convinced.

"Nothing? No one? Chester, you can't deny what happened." Mike objected and it was clear to the young boys that he wanted to tell them the truth.

"I saw that therapist for years, Mike-"

"The special doctor." Tyler muttered to himself.

"-All he ever did was tell me to leave it in the past and to forget it happened. He taught me to deny it. I'm just doing what you wanted me to do, which was listen to him." Chester snapped and he went upstairs, locking himself in his room. Mike looked at his boys.

"What happened to dad?" Draven asked softly and Mike  hesitated but lead the boys into the living room, the three of them sitting on the couch together, each boy to Mike's side.

"I think you boys are old enough." Mike muttered.

"We just want to know what happened to dad." Draven said softly. Mike nodded, understanding.

"Don't mention it to him, it's been rough keeping it at a safe distance." Mike told the boys who nodded as a sign of promise. "There was this man in Chester's life when he was just a bit older than you, his name is Jason."

"The one you guys said was in jail." Tyler noted.

"Thankfully." Mike nodded. "He hurt your father. He did a lot of horrible things to him-"

"Like what?" Draven asked. Mike hesitated.

"He... God, I can't believe I'm telling you boys this... He sexually abused him for years. It really broke Ches and it sometimes still hurts him to this very day, even with the help of a therapist. It gets worse though, unfortunately." Mike looked down to the ground. Both his sons were too shocked to say anything. Chester had sat on the stairs just around the corner, listening to his husband share his story to their children.

"It didn't stop there. Jason went away for a long time but came back. He ordered a friend of his to... Rape... Chester." Mike breathed out, finding it almost impossible to find the strength anymore to retell the past. "He had ended up raping Chester again and got your father into drugs. He hurt him so badly. I'm just happy both are in jail. But... Never mind. I don't want to scare you two."

"What is it? We can handle it." Draven insisted, Mike caved.

"Jason broke out of prison before. I'm always afraid he'll do it again. He was sentenced to life so he has nothing to lose if he does. It terrifies me."

"You don't need to be scared. We'll protect you and dad. Don't worry." Tyler assured him, bringing a smile to Mike's lips.

"You two are my brave boys." He kissed their heads and held them close.

"We love you both." Tyler told him, making both his fathers hearts feel full.


"God, I just love you so much." Mike sighed, staring Chester in the eyes. "I don't know how I'll be able to leave you."

"Than don't." Chester's voice cracked, he deeply didn't want Mike to go. "Stay here, with me. Or even take me and the boys with you. I can't go that long without you."

"You know I can't. Fort Minor hasn't toured since Rising Tide, almost all the shows are already sold out. And you know I'd bring you if I could but Ry thinks you'd be a distraction."

"But... That's the point." Chester smirked although the tears in his eyes dropped down. Mike instantly moved his fingers across his face lightly without realizing, brushing the tears away.

"Don't cry," He hugged the smaller man tightly and felt Chester collapse in his arms. He hated hurting him like this. He knew he had to leave in order to relax but he knew he'd miss Chester, even if he believed his husband was the cause for all his stress.

"I'll miss you." Chester reminded him and Mike felt the urge to drop the tour and stay but he knew he couldn't. It was too late now.

"Don't forget how much I love you. I'll call everyday." Mike promised and the pair kissed. Their sons entered the room and approached them, hugging them tightly. "I'll call you boys too."

"I'll press ignore." Draven joked and the family hugged. "Don't forget to come back."

"How can I when I have this sexy guy to come home to." Mike grinned at Chester, knowing it would make his sons cringe.

"Dad!" Both boys shrieked, making their parents laugh. After another kiss goodbye, Mike left his family and went into a cab to get to the airport. His tour was about to begin and so was a new type of pain for his husband and sons.

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