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A/N: So far, I don't have a title or cover drafted yet but I do have a plot made. Continue it as one of my next stories or drop it until I'm low on ideas and stories?

"Hey, Ches." Rob greeted his best friend, getting into the passenger's seat. Rob was Chester's oldest friend and the pair recently moved to California to go to college. Chester was always against going but Rob persuaded him and said music wasn't a stable career.

"Hi." Chester said sadly. He hadn't been the same since their big move from Arizona. All he wanted to do was make his dreams come true and college wasn't in the plan. All it did was demolish his hope.

"Oh, don't be like that. Let's go to a club for a while. You'll forget about your dream in no time." Rob nudged him and Chester began driving, not answering him. "Chazzy, you know I'm just looking out for you."

"It's whatever, Robbie." Chester tried to just shove it off. The rest of their drive was silent.



The steady beat of the bass coming from the music shook through the pair as they headed to the bar. Chester desperately wanted to drink. He'd left his entire life behind just to do something he absolutely didn't want to do.

"Chester, cheer up! Go and meet some ladies!" Rob laughed but Chester only slumped into a chair at the bar and ordered a drink.

"How can I cheer up? Life doesn't have a purpose anymore." Chester murmured, his statement unheard by Rob as he went into the crowd of people. Chester sighed to himself and downed his drink, instantly gesturing for another.

"Hey, that one's on me." A man said to the bartender, sitting next to Chester, who appeared extremely confused. The mocha skinned man stuck a hand out. The skinny, tattooed figure shook it and pulled away quickly. The other man took notes of his actions. "Mike Shinoda."

"Why aren't you out there dancing with women?" Chester suddenly asked, a little bit of curiosity spurring through him. Surely this man must be a hit with most females, his mysterious appearance seems to draw people to him. The dark haired man chuckled.

"Let's just say I swing a little." He replied and Chester felt himself blushing but it went unnoticed because of the constant motion of lights bouncing off of his pale features.

"Than why are you here talking to me?" Chester countered with, downing another drink and ordering a shot. Mike grinned.

"I swing a little your way." He chuckled and Chester felt his face heating up again, instantly taking in the entire shot. He couldn't believe this man.

"Maybe I don't swing yours." Chester challenged the other man who smirked in return. Chester was beginning to feel off already as the alcohol did its magic on his brain.

"You wouldn't be humoring me like that if you didn't." Mike said and Chester thought about it for a moment. It was true, Chester wasn't a tease, at least not at this moment. Why hasn't he pushed the man away and told him off? "Come on, dance with me."

"I'm getting quite drunk, I probably won't be able to stand in a while." Chester excused and another shot was brought to him, which he quickly downed.

"Than I'll carry you home, Princess." Mike grinned devilishly and Chester even laughed at that. "Come on now, little kitten. Show me you know how to move."

"I don't. I just lay around all day." Chester admitted with a small laugh, a smile twitching his lips. Mike pulled Chester to his feet and leaned over the bar towards the bartender.

"Have one of your waiters near, get my new friend here as many drinks as he likes. Anything he orders is on me." He said with a wink and the bartender nodded. Chester was beginning to feel too buzzed to even comprehend what Mike had said, he didn't care either.


The alarm clock sent dozens of painful pulses into Chester's head. He tossed over and hit the snooze button with a huge groan reaching his lips. He moaned painfully as his head hurt horribly. He was meant to go to his college courses this morning but this hangover was too bad.

He heard Rob leave and he knew he was alone in his dorm room. Rob always left around the time Chester was supposed to wake up. He was a fairly early riser and always came to class before anyone else.

Chester's head flickered last night as he tried to remember the last thing he could. He remembered dancing with some stranger named Mike Shinoda and he drank a lot but he didn't consider it to be too much even though deep down he knew he did.

He sat up and saw a note beside him on the pillow case. He felt chills running down his spine at the thought of accidentally sleeping with the strange man. He wasn't even gay, although he found this man quite attractive. He opened the note.

You were really buzzed last night, holy shit you can drink. I brought you home. You were right, you weren't able to stand at one point. I carried you back to your dorm, your friend, Rob, pointed it out for me. He was somewhat drunk too by the way. Don't worry though, your anal virginity is still intact. I couldn't take advantage of you. My number's on the back of this note. Contact me sometime. ;)

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