Silent Suffering - PUBLISHED

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(After Missed Call and Break Free are completed, I will be posting Torment. The first chapter of that story can be found in a previous part. Along with Torment, I have decided to post one of my older stories as well. Silent Suffering or 11 Days. It's up to you! Comment for your favorite of the two, vote for the ones you're interested in. Thank you!)

Short Description: The city is separated into two parts, first and third class. If the poor manage to make it to the other side, the rich kills them. Chester Bennington makes his way there with promise of a better life. When he's discovered, his life is spared. Why?

Chapter One - The Welcoming

Chester walked into the huge home as if it was his first time walking. He was instantly mesmerized by the beauty of the building. It's thickly glossed wooden styled walls were intriguing and begging to be looked upon. Velvet soft carpet coated the stairs and whatever laid beyond them. The high ceiling was littered with a single chandler that lit the entry room. The mansion was huge - for lack of better terms. Chester had never been in such a royalty type of place. He had grown from the poor part of the city and had only heard of houses such as this. He suddenly felt ashamed of his dirty, ripped up clothing that he once thought were very nice compared to the rest of what he owned.

"It is not much, but it is home." The fancy lady that brought him here smiled warmly. She had this nice tan skin with a pearl necklaces laced around her neck. She had glowing black hair that was curled and locked into place with a jeweled clip. She wore a red cocktail dress that flowed down her averagely sized body. Long black gloves laced up her arms to her elbow as three pearl bracelets sat lazily on her wrists. She had black high heels on that would click every time she took a step.

"Not much? It's amazing," Chester spoke in awe with his angelic voice that made the woman smile. She eyed him carefully, obviously knowing instantly he came from a very poor home. He looked to be about the age of roughly fifteen or sixteen. He had blonde, naturally curled hair that suited his pale skin nicely. He had plain grey clothing and he looked to be dusty, like he hadn't been able to wash for at least a week, making the woman pity him, which was not what the boy wanted.

"My son, Michael, will be home soon with his father. Let us get you washed up before they arrive. My husband is not very fond of people who come from poor homes." She sighed and lightly grasped Chester's thin arms and lead him up the thick velvet stairs. "What is your name?"

"Chester Bennington," he answered her and looked down to the floor as if in shame as she lead him through the corridors. He quickly glanced up from time to time to admire all the dull paintings that hung around the dark hallways. He eventually stopped paying attention to the details of the home and quietly followed the woman as she tugged him along. They approached a large bathroom that made Chester's eyes bulge at the sight. A large bathtub sat in the corner that was larger than a hot tub. A waterfall shower sat in another corner that was outlined with light silver crystals.

"I almost forgot to tell you," the lovely woman laughed slightly. "My name is Donna Shinoda." The young boy in front of her instantly gasped at the realization of the name.

"Shinoda?" Chester gaped. "As in the famous Shinoda?" Donna chuckled lightly in her fluent voice and smiled at the poor boy she found wondering the streets.

"Yes, dear." She continued smiling and put an arm on the boy's back. "Mr. Shinoda is my husband, the artist."

"Did he paint the artworks in the hallway?" He asked excitedly and yet petrified. He had loved Mr. Shinoda's artwork since the moment he saw it on the cover of an old newspaper he found around the city. Except, he heard he was not the nicest man one could meet, especially if you were poor.

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