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today was jimin's birthday, seokjin knew how much his friend was going through mentally and he wanted to help, even if it was just for today. it was his day and he wanted to help clear his head. he made two appointments one for his hair and another for a spa-day that jimin and tae would spend together. he had called in a day earlier to let the school know that he wouldn't be coming in that day.

when jimin was getting ready for work and saw his best-friend sitting outside, leaning on his car, he was surprised. taehyung had then informed him on the plans seokjin made for him and then they left, after jimin changed out of his slacks and button up of course.

he was happy, the day did not fail to amaze him and he had seokjin and taehyung to thank for that. he ended up dying his hair dark blue and buying multiple outfits. the two best friends spent the day ignoring messages from work and chilling. they didn't eat much considering that seokjin had made dinner for everyone at his apartment.

they were on their way there right now, he smiled gleefully as he walked into the apartment. everybody greeted him with a hug and a happy birthday. each person carried a small gift which jimin took gratefully. seokjin had walked in last and with a small loving smile, he hugged his friend tightly.

"thank you seokjin, today was great." jimin said while releasing the older from his hold. seokjin nodded before walking back into the kitchen because his phone started ringing. jimin sat in the living room as everyone drank and ate the snacks prepared by seokjin. he noticed hoseok and yoongi had then finally made up, it made him happy to see his two friends back madly in love again.

there was a knock on the door and jimin got up to answer but seokjin ran to it first, sending jimin back into the front room. seokjin opened the door and was met with his boyfriend, he held a small gift for jimin. seokjin hugged the boy and released him just as quick.

things were still a bit awkward between the two after namjoon ran out on him. but they were getting back to the way they were. he led namjoon into the living room and the second he stepped foot in the room it went quiet. jungkook had wide eyes and he stared at namjoon.

"umm, this is my boyfriend, namjoon, these are my friends." seokjin said, trying to break the awkward silence that filled the room. namjoon waved before handing jimin the small gift he had.

jimin couldn't take his eyes off the older, it had been years since he had last saw namjoon in person. he hesitantly took the gift and opened it. he smiled looking at the bracelet that had, obviously, expensive red rubies on it. he picked it up and admired it, engraved on the metal piece was his name and birthdate.

"thank you namjoon, this is beautiful." he said smiling up at his ex lover. namjoon smiled and nodded his head. seokjin then pulled namjoon over to an empty seat near yoongi. yoongi and namjoon did a small handshake before he sat down. jungkook couldn't take his eyes off the older. he knew exactly who namjoon was, he studied the man a lot in his free time.

his dad was the chief of police who dedicated a lot of his time to trying to find out a way to put namjoon in jail. jungkook had then always believed that namjoon was a terrible person, and not someone his hyung should be dating.

"jin-hyung, can i talk to you for a minute please." jungkook said, eyeing the man who made small talk with yoongi as if it was nothing. seokjin nodded before standing up from his place right next namjoon. the two walked into the kitchen and jungkook pushed the door closed.

"why are you with him, do you even know who he is?" jungkook said with his arms crossed. he didn't like this at all, the thought of jin being with someone as terrible as he was. it irked him so much, he did not expect this at all.

"he's not as bad as you think jungkook, he's really sweet and he cares for me." seokjin said with a sigh, he should've expected this from jungkook. the boy was a son of a cop, he grew up believing the worst about people like namjoon.

"i don't know what you see in him, but you'll soon see hyung, he's a bad person." jungkook stated, pointing at the older's chest. jin just shook his head as he watched the younger leave him in the kitchen alone. he bit the inside of his cheek and grabbed the champagne, he poured himself some before fixing one for namjoon.

when he walked in there, things were still a bit tense, but not as tense as it was before he left. jungkook still eyed the man, and kept his arms wrapped around taehyung's waist protectively, jimin made conversation with hoseok, ignoring his ex lover as best as he could, and yoongi and namjoon spoke quietly towards each other.

he shook his head before handing namjoon his drink and taking a seat in his boyfriends lap. namjoon smiled while wrapping his free hand around seokjin's waist. taehyung kept his eyes on namjoon, he knew of namjoon, jungkook spoke about him a lot. taehyung wasn't one to judge someone solely off their appearance or first impression but he found it hard when the man before him was the cause of so many murders, gang fights, and drug outputs.

was it really right for his hyung to be with a man like that? jimin did it, but he said how it slowly began to wear on him and it ultimately destroyed their relationship. he hated seeing namjoon come home in odd hours of the night, sometimes dripping in blood, it all just took a toll on him thus making them both fall out of love. the bond they had coming out of high school was lost. never seen again.

he watched the way seokjin snuggled into the man, there was tenderness in the way he held him. seokjin's cheeks grew red as namjoon whispered something in his ear. his hand traveled from its place on seokjin's waist to dangerously close to his area. taehyung saw this and blushed himself, he looked away, deciding to ignore the two for now.

the five of them engaged in their own conversation while the two others had a small conversation of their own. it was rather sexual to say the least but they knew that they couldn't do anything, especially not tonight. with the way jimin was taking down drinks, he looked like he was ready to pass out in no time. jimin was slightly slurring his words, only having at least 3 cups of champagne and moving from that to 5 shots of vodka was obviously getting to him.

he caught the attention of the two who were in their own worlds when he started singing loudly. a voice that was usually sweet and refreshing for the ears turned rather opposite of that. he turned on a random song and started practically screaming the lyrics. jungkook, who started drinking more after the conversation with jin was about as much drunk as jimin was. they pushed the couches away and made a small dance floor where the two had a rather questionable dance off.

hoseok couldn't stop laughing, his laugh was so contagious it made everybody start laughing. namjoon finally lightened up and had a few drinks himself, making him tipsy enough to join taehyung in karaoke. seokjin was content, he had smile watching everyone get along. he sat with yoongi, holding a light-hearted conversation with him.

the night was carefree, maybe it was because they all were meant to be with each-other, or maybe it was the drinks bringing out another side of everyone. still it was fun, and as chain reactions work, it'd set off multiple hangouts together...

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