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that next morning namjoon woke up first. seokjin still laid peacefully asleep next to him. he looked at the male and softly pet his hair. he sighed before getting out of the bed and going take his shower.

he couldn't help but think of the events from the night before. he felt bad about last night's events and couldn't really shake them out of his head. the screaming, the blood, the crying, those memories of it all held him down so tightly.

as he washed his body he heard the door open, he didn't pay no mind to it knowing that 9 times out of 10 it would be jin. the shower curtain opens a little a jin steps in right behind namjoon. this was normal for them, showering together in silence, enjoying each other's company. but today everything was a little off. they both knew why but neither one of them had the guts to bring up last night's incident.

the only thing that could be heard was the shower water hitting either their body's or the floor. namjoon sighed before turning around and coming face to face with the older. seokjin tilted his to the side wondering what the male was doing. namjoon pulled the male into a hug, shower water falling straight on to them.

"i'm sorry jin." namjoon whispered, "please don't look at what happened last night as your fault because i promise you it wasn't. i just care about you too much to hurt you."

"joonie, you weren't going to hurt me. i trust you enough to know that you won't." jin said placing his hand on the younger's cheek. namjoon looked to the side with a sad look in his eye.

he knew seokjin was probably right but something inside him was telling him that he would. he didn't want to, but it was going to happen. whether he wanted it to happen or not.

hours passed, the two were still under each other like they always were. namjoon held seokjin's hand while caressing the back of his hand with his thumb. they drove comfortably to the manor, namjoon had a meeting to attend to, dealing with obtaining more product. he didn't want seokjin there but he knew that nothing bad would happen as long as seokjin stayed out and followed his directions.

"before i take you in there, there's a few rules i want to put in place. stay with either me, tzuyu, or my bodyguard at all times. don't leave their sight whatsoever. don't talk to anyone there, everyone there is bad news and i don't want them getting ahold of you. no matter what's going on do not, and i cannot stress this enough, do not enter the room of the meeting, very dangerous people will be in there and if they see you i can't promise that i'll be able to fully protect you."

seokjin listened intently, partly thinking he was being treated like a child. but he knew that he had to listen no matter what. from the way namjoon was saying it, it must have been a life or death situation.

"please seokjin, this is for your own good." namjoon said once more before stepping out of the car, seokjin following right after. they walked through the garage door with their hands laced together. seokjin chewed at his bottom lip ignoring the stares he got from the people inside the insanely large house.

"hey boss." a voice could be heard from behind them. seokjin perked you at the familiar sound, when he looked back he was met with hyunjin. standing proudly talking to the biggest mafia leader in the country like it wasn't nothing. hyunjin obviously ignored the stares seokjin threw his way, in hopes that he would just disappear.

"hyunjin will take you to tzuyu, remember what i said. i'll see you in a few hours baby." namjoon said, pulling seokjin in for a small chaste kiss. the two started walking in a direction away from the kitchen. seokjin waited until the two were alone before speaking.

"does mina know?" seokjin didn't even hesitate to ask. "how would mina feel if she knew that this was the job that you got. this was the job that you got to provide for your daughter." seokjin scolded the man.

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