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the next morning was silent. hoseok didn't have work so he slept in, even if he did have work, there was no way in hell he'd be able to teach a dance class when he could barely walk. jimin was still at jin's apartment, getting ready for work. jin had then already left just before sunrise.

jimin stood in the middle of seokjins room, putting on his clothes for work. he was already late but it didn't really matter too much. his boss couldn't really hold it against him when he was always on time and ready for teaching. today was just an off day for him.

his students were probably happy he wasn't there anyway, it was a break for them. he needed a break his-self. instead of calling in sick, he just called in and said that his alarm didn't go off, he'd be there within an hour. he grabbed his bags, fixed his glasses on his nose and walked out of the room.

he walked past the guest room and peeped in. hoseok was laying on his stomach tapping at something on his phone. jimin wanted to speak to hoseok but he knew for a fact that hoseok was still mad at him.

but he couldn't help it, he had to. so he stepped into the room and knocked on the door, gaining the boy's attention. hoseok looked up and rolled his eyes before flipping his head to where couldn't see the younger.

"hyung, i know you're probably still mad at me and i understand why. but i need you to understand my side of the story as well. it wasn't my place to tell you, i had no intentions of breaking your trust but i couldn't tell you something that had nothing to do with me in the first place."

hoseok stayed quiet, he was listening though. he knew jimin was right but it still hurt, he was still angry at the three of them for hiding things from him, especially yoongi. they all knew how much he hated secrets, they always bought nothing but pain onto him.

"as for yoongi, at least let him explain. let him tell you why he hid it from you. i'm 100% sure he had a good reason to do so. you have a bad habit of never letting the other speak when you're mad, change that, let him explain his side of things."

hoseok still was quiet, he didn't reply. he laid stiff as a wooden plank. everything jimin was saying was true and he knew that. he hated when jimin would outsmart him.

jimin turned on his heel before walking out the door. he silently hoped hoseok would take his words in consideration. he grabbed the small brown bag that seokjin had left for him on the kitchen counter and walked out the door.

he drove silently to the school, thoughts filling his mind. he really didn't want to go to work that day. especially after the argument he had with his coworker, taemin. after the last night they spent together they've been out of sync sort of.

this caused a lot of tension between the two and everyone at the school felt it, even students. he groaned as he pulled into his parking space. he grabbed his bags and walked to the office. he quickly signed in and made his way to his class. the students were crowded around in different groups talking with their friends. they didn't acknowledge the teacher who stood in the doorway with an irritated look.

the sub had the same look of irritation in her eyes before rising out of her seat to leave the class. he walked into the class room, the clicks of his shoes on the tiled floor gaining the attention of the students he walked passed. he sat his bags down and stood in front of the class. he looked around the room and at the boards that had drawings of things he knew he didn't draw.

the floor was littered with papers, pencils, pens, you name it, the floor had it. the students saw the irritated look that their teacher had and they all went back to their seats with their head hung low.

"you all obviously had a blast while i was gone." jimin said sarcastically to the class. the class of second year students shuddered from the vibe jimin gave off. the usual sweet and kind math teacher who was willing to help anyone was gone. this teacher was not the mr.park the students grew to love over time.

this mr.park had a dark aura around him, this mr.park seemed mean and scary to approach. it all wasn't the fault of his students dirtying up his classroom, part of it was the fault of last night's events dealing with hoseok. the other half was the reason why he stayed at seokjin's place in the first place.

"we have an hour left of class before you go off to your 3rd hour. please pick up the mess you all made and fix my classroom back to the way it was." jimin said, circling his desk to sit down in his seat. he sat down in his seat taking out his computer and other necessities for the day.

he powered on his phone staring at the white apple amongst the black screen. this was the second time today he turned his phone on, the first time being to call his boss to let him know he'd be late. his phone automatically connected to the wifi and all of the messages he'd been ignoring popped up.

a large chunk of them being from the person he wanted to ignore so badly. the messages came flowing in, there wasn't a moment where he didn't see that familiar name with those emojis to follow. his heart hurt, he was in the wrong for the most part but the teacher hurt him as well.

he looked up at the class with tears brimming his eyes. he quickly blinked them away hoping no one noticed it. he looked back down at his phone contemplating on answering the surplus of messages that were left. he unlocked the phone and went to the messages.

50+ unread messages
jimin, i'm sorry about what i said and what i did. but you have to understand, we weren't together, i don't get why you're so mad at me.
sent at 8:16am

i know, i'm sorry for ignoring your messages. i don't know why i got so hurt. maybe i'm just attached to you and seeing you with someone else kind of hurts me. i'm sorry for everything that i've put you through this past week. i'm sorry for the argument and i'm sorry for getting attached.
sent at 9:23am

jimin sat the phone down on his desk and breathed in deeply. he didn't want to start crying in the middle of class. he'd leave that for his fourth hour since he had no class then and it was his planning period. he stood up and went to the small closet each class had and pulled out the worksheets for today.

he passed them out to the class of 2nd years and had them work on the review worksheets for extra credit. the class was quiet, excluding the soft piano music he had playing for the class to hear. he tried to pay attention to the papers he was grading but his eyes kept going to the phone which, surprisingly, had no messages pop up on.

he just wanted the problem between him and taemin to be resolved so they could get back to the way they were. this open wound on his heart hurt badly, he was in a bad place mentally and the altercation with taemin was just making things worse for him...

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