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that next morning seokjin's phone rang nonstop. each message was from namjoon apologizing about last night's events. he had to turn his phone completely off just to stop it from buzzing off the hook. it was early morning and he was completely late for work. but he didn't care, which was odd for him. usually he'd be in a complete rush trying to at least make it there early enough before the morning rush but today, he just couldn't find it in himself to even care.

he stared at the mirror looking at his slightly bigger cheek which now was a deep colored purple. this hurts so fucking much. he couldn't think of anything else as he covered the mark with make up. it took him roughly 45 minutes in total of dabbing and flinching in pain. by the time he made it out the house it was already 9 a.m. just an hour after the morning rush ended. when he walked into the cafe he was met with jaehwan and one of the new teen workers talking over something. he threw on a small smile and walked around the counter.

"good morning, i'm so sorry i'm late." seokjin said while walking pass the two. jaehwan looked at the male with a sideways look. "good morning, uh your boyfriend's in your office, he's been there for some time." jaehwan said, making seokjin stop in his tracks. he looked back and forced a smile while nodding. he walked straight towards the office and opened the door.

namjoon sat at the chair behind the desk tapping away at his phone, most likely checking in with mark to make sure that jackson was okay. he looked up when the door was pushed opened. he stood up immediately and walked towards seokjin who closed the door behind himself.

"seokjin." namjoon said while grabbing at seokjin's arm when he walked by. seokjin yanked his arm out of the boy's hand and sat his things down at his desk.

"why are you here?" seokjin asked, finally looking up at the male.

"i wanted to apologize. i'm so sorry for what i did yesterday and there's no excuse for why i did it. i'm so sorry seokjin, i would never raise my hand at you. that's not something i do,  i don't know what came over me." namjoon explained, when seokjin didn't reply he continued.

"i won't force you to forgive me but can you at least just give me another chance?" namjoon said, he stepped closer to seokjin looking the older in his eye. seokjin saw the regret that swam through his eyes. and just for a second he almost forgave him. almost.

he looked down at his desk again before looking up, avoiding those dark brown dragon like eyes. he spoke up after a minute of silence, "is your friend ok?" namjoon eyes widened in confusion before he realized what he was talking about. he sighed knowing seokjin would avoid even speaking to him about the subject.

"he's fine now, he's stable." namjoon said lowly. seokjin nodded before speaking up again. "you can leave now."

"but-" namjoon started but seokjin held his hand up and gave him a look.

"i really don't want to speak to you right now, give me some time. i'll talk to you when i'm ready." seokjin said. namjoon sighed before standing up and walking out of the office. he held his head down in defeat as he walked towards the exit, as he was coming out, two other people were coming in.

"namjoon? hey." the voice said, namjoon looked up and was met with taehyung and jungkook. he smiled towards the couple, hiding any hint of uneasiness and sadness from his face.

"taehyung, hey, how've you been?" namjoon asked with a small smile on his face. "i've been good, and you?" taehyung replied happily.

"same, same." namjoon said. taehyung nodded before looking over at his boyfriend and bumping his shoulder kinda hard. jungkook groaned before speaking up.

"namjoon." the boy deadpanned, obviously not wanting to speak. namjoon chuckled a bit, he's cute when he pouts.
"jungkook." namjoon replied in the same way. taehyung looked between the two before speaking up.

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