Trev's plan

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Trev drove back to his house wondering what he's going to do about Jimmy, it's like no matter how hard he tries his feelings are never recognized, he rolled his eyes, even though Jimmy hurt his feelings he still wanted to make it up to him, he wasn't sure which of the two paths he wanted to take, straight up Seduction or Being nice, just when he thought he would try a kind approach he remembered something Jimmy once told him out of anger "Nice guys finish last" he thought of many scenarios he could try, rubbing up on him, talking dirty, threatening him, but then, he got it, Trev had no idea what he would get himself into..

Jimmy was at the apartment, he stayed a while to make sure his kids cleaned everything up like they were supposed to before he checked in on Bob saying "I'm going to go manage my Restaurant if that's okay with you" Bob smiles and agreed kissing him on the cheek, they said their goodbyes and opened up the restaurant, Jimmy Jr, Andy and Ollie waited tables while the Grown ups took care of carrying the food safely, When Jimmy walked through the door, Trev's eyes met with his half way and it was awkward/tense, Jimmy brushed past him to help out with the food, Trev stared at the Alcoholic drinks served there with thoughts, Jimmy startled him when he said "Snap out of it we have customers" Trev replies back "Uh huh, yeah sorry" they glared at each other still confused about their relationship, Trev was never ever the kind of Guy that would do anything to harm someone he cared about, but he felt so tired of seeing Bob with who he likes to call his man, so he got a idea, it felt so sick and twisted of him to do but he really wanted Jimmy's attention, of course he noticed Jimmy shot a angry glance at him so he put his idea to the side

Jimmy Pesto x Bob Belcher¡ Bob's BurgersWhere stories live. Discover now