The unexpected

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Trev stood there shocked, he wasn't necessarily expecting this, it felt so wrong it it felt so right? Even though Drunk Jimmy wasn't a very good kisser Trev still loved it, he wrapped his arms around Jimmy and Jimmy picked him up holding him like this

Jimmy tilted his head to deepen the kiss as Trev kissed back with his arms wrapped around Jimmy's neck, what they didn't know is that Bob was watching from across the street, still angry he storms over to his restaurant, the door was locked so he ...

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Jimmy tilted his head to deepen the kiss as Trev kissed back with his arms wrapped around Jimmy's neck, what they didn't know is that Bob was watching from across the street, still angry he storms over to his restaurant, the door was locked so he goes back to grab a bat and throws it onto the glass shattering it until he made a hole to open the door with, sure he bled a bit while doing so but he was too pissed off to notice, he yelled "JIMMY!!!!!" Jimmy turned around slowly with Trev and him still in the same position "B-Bobby....then who is this?.." Bob recognized that drunk voice, he's seen him drunk a few times so he knew what was up "Trev you asshole did you do this!??" Trev shook his head "Oh I don't know I wouldn't be able to tell who would do such a thing??" He grinned rubbing his lower half on Jimmy, Bob grabbed Trev "Hey Asshole! Put me down!!—" before Bob slammed him into the corner of the counter causing Trev to bleed out, Bob turned to Jimmy and said "Let's go babe, I know you wouldn't do this to me...." he held his hand as Jimmy confusingly said "What..why is the other Bob down..." Bob sighs and just takes Jimmy with him, he sat jimmy down on a booth, he handed him a glass of water "drink this so that you can sober up babe" Jimmy groaned "alrighhhhtt" he kept drinking the water until there was nothing left, Bob took it and put it to the side. As Jimmy was spacing out he suddenly heard a hic sound, he turned to Bob's direction to see that the smaller man was flinching over and over again......Bob was crying...Jimmy could recognize him a bit more, he was still drunk but he could sort of walk, so he got up and went behind Bob to give him a hug "I...didn't mean to.." Bob shook his head "'s not your fault" Jimmy took one of his hands to kiss it, Bob turned to hug him, why don't we just go to sleep, you should probably go back with your kids...I'll drive you there, just...remember to talk with me in the morning okay?" Jimmy nodded "Yeah.." Bob held his hand and unlocked the car doors as he and his boyfriend went outside in the middle of the night to the car, Bob opened the passenger side for Jimmy, Jimmy sat down and so did Bob after a minute, he drove off into the night towards his apartment, once they both got out he walked with Jimmy to his room where his kids greeted him "Hey Dad!!" They all said in unison, Jimmy nodded feeling kind of dizzy, Jimmy Jr noticed that Bob was holding his hand "Woah- Mr Belcher..I thought you hated our Dad??" Bob was mortified because he didn't know if he was ready to come out to anyone, he got flashbacks of what he did to Trev and he didn't want them to get the idea that they are nothing but friends so he got the courage to say "Well.....I know this is a really bad timing but I'm Bisexual and your Father is boyfriend." Jimmy jr's eyes widened "I didn't know my dad liked you!" Andy and Ollie looked at each other "Holy Crap Ollie! We have two dads!!" Ollie replies "Who knew!" There was mixed feelings all around but Bob pushed past them sent Jimmy was almost about to lose his balance, Bob made him lay down, he tucked in Jimmy and said "okay babe, I'm going to go back so please rest" just as Bob was about to leave, Jimmy lifted up part of the covers with one hand and with the other he took Bob's hand and pulled him into his bed "Jimmy what was that for???" Jimmy responded "let's sleep together shall we?" He looked at Bob with his half lidded eyes, Bob responded "I don't know if I should, what if my kids get all rowdy?" Jimmy shook his head "Stay.." Bob sighed "fine" Jimmy grinned and pulled Bob into a spooning position where Bob is the little spoon "I love you" said Jimmy, Bob blushed feeling himself get tired too "I love you too Jimmy" they both closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep

Jimmy Pesto x Bob Belcher¡ Bob's BurgersWhere stories live. Discover now