Jimmy cares?

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After a long night of Jimmy thinking about Bob he eventually fell asleep on couch, once he woke up he drove back to work only to be serving customers and noticing that Linda had a sour expression on her face through Bob's windows, he sighed wishing he could help or say something, Jimmy Jr walks up to his Father and tugs on his sleeve, Jimmy's focus breaks and he looks down at his son "What is it kid?" Jimmy Jr genuinely seemed worried for his Father says "Why do you keep staring at Tina's Dad?" Jimmy's eye brows raised not knowing he was staring for so long "uh..I..was just staring at how annoying he is!" Jimmy Jr placed his hand on his own cheek curiously "Dad, are you sure? If he's so annoying then why do you keep staring at him and visiting his restaurant?" Jimmy sighs starting to feel irritated not understanding his own feelings either "Jimmy Jr will you just go?? Don't get caught up in my business okay??" Jimmy Jr's expression curved into a frown feeling constantly left out and unaccepted by his own Father, instead of responding he just walks away a bit hunched over feeling upset, Jimmy frowned too and then decided to work for a few more minutes before putting down the last order and leaving the restaurant without a word to Bob's Burgers, he takes in a breath trying to keep his shitty personality act to show Bob that he doesn't care despite him feeling differently, Jimmy then opened the door and entered, Linda sees Jimmy and rolls her eyes "Bob!! Jimmy's here to make fun of you again! So get to it!" Bob walks out of the Kitchen with a already sort of dead inside expression along with his dull eyes, he responds "What do you want Jimmy?" Jimmy gasped quietly underneath his breath, he cleared his throat to avoid that awkward moment before coming up with something to say "Uh..Jesus Christ! What's with that face?? You look pale! Are you sick Bob? Haha! Sick while working? No wonder no one comes here often seeing this guy!" Before Bob could say anything Linda says "I know! I've told him to wipe off that annoying face but LIKE ALWAYS he never listens to me!" Bob snaps and says "Linda! For God sake! I always try to listen to you! It feels like YOU'RE the one that isn't making much of an effort to help me!" Linda furrows her eyebrows feeling angrier by the minute "Me!? See! I told you all you think about is yourself! I'm so tired of this!" Linda throws her kitchen cloth to the floor, Bob's expression was mixed in anger, frustration and sadness "Linda just tell me what I can do to make you feel better with me! I'll do something about it! Please..just not in front of the customers right now..." Linda grinds her teeth "Oh so you care about the customers and your money more than what's going on right now!? I think I've just had enough with you! I WANT A DIVORCE!!" Jimmy Pesto's eyes widened, Mort's jaw dropped, Teddy dropped his burger and The corners of Bob's eyes started watering as tears rolled down his cheeks, Bob started to tremble madly as his voice broke "Lin.....you can't be serious?...the kids..." Linda turns to them frowning a bit but then looks back "It's all your fault you couldn't do much about us...I'm going to Gale's house!" Linda stormed upstairs as Tina, Gene and Louise looked back at their Father in shock not being able to process what just happened, Instead of staying one after another customers left not wanting to stay there with what just went down, the depressing vibes were just too much for them, one by one they were all gone, Bob reaches his hand out for them but then makes eye contact with Jimmy just to look back down at his feet, Jimmy toughens up and without even expecting it, he walks up to Bob and places a hand on his shoulder "I'm..sorry.." Jimmy then took his hand off him and walked away as the sun set down some more, an hour after the kids stayed with Bob since he had the most money and because it was a better environment for them, Linda was of course upset but after a while she left, the kids were in their rooms sleeping at 11:34 pm, Jimmy ordered a taxi so that his kids and worker could drop them off at his apartment, since he wanted to talk to Bob, he locked the restaurant and walked across the street, one of the only things lighting up the place was Bob's burgers from the inside, As Jimmy came closer he noticed Bob drinking a glass with a bottle of whiskey next to him, Jimmy worried and then just let himself in quietly knowing the kids must be asleep, he sat down next to him "Bob, I've never seen you like this before...please don't drink..this isn't good for you!" Bob turns to Jimmy slightly drunk "whyy do you care anywayz..?..you always talk crap about mee.." tears still poured down Bob's face, Jimmy bit his lip and says "Well god dammit Bob..Just put the rivalry aside, I never admitted this to you, and I never thought I'd have to. But I CARE for you, So much so that I came to check up on you, and I'm glad I did cause NO WAY IN HELL on my watch I'm going to let you drink any more! You're already slurring you're words for fuck sakes!" Bob was stunned at what he was hearing "No..you care?? Really?..II dunno if I believe that.." Just as Bob was about to take one more sip Jimmy places his hand on Bob's before taking it out of his hand, opening the door and throwing it onto the ground shattering the glass in pieces, Bob walks out not very coordinated but shocked "Jimmy!! You just ruuined a perfectly gud glass of whiskeey!" Bob was facing Jimmy before his knees became weak, he almost fell but Jimmy caught him stepping a little closer to which Bob was in his arms, Jimmy's heart beat a little faster and his breathing was a little heavier. panting because he got so scared that Bob was going to hurt himself, Bob was still sort of conscious of what Jimmy was doing "Jimmy..you didn't have to dooo thaat" Jimmy rolled his eyes "Yes I did, or else I'd feel really mad at myself, now let's go back inside" Jimmy decides its best that he picks him up Bridal style, his eyebrows raised not expecting for him to be lighter than he looks, Bob looks into Jimmy's eyes drunkly and then slowly closes them passing out in his arms, Jimmy blushed but smiled a bit carrying him inside, he found his way upstairs and quietly looked for Bob's room, with one hand he pulled the sheets down to gently place Bob onto the bed, Jimmy gripped the blankets and covered him with them tucking him in, he stared at Bob and then placed his hand gently onto his hair running his fingers though it before getting up and leaving his restaurant

Jimmy Pesto x Bob Belcher¡ Bob's BurgersWhere stories live. Discover now