The Ride ;)

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All the kids at the Waterpark were having fun splashing around, playing with friends and the adults were talking to each other while hanging out and occasionally joining in on the fun, Jimmy and Bob both were having fun splashing each other and going to the fun slides they had there, after a while Bob and Jimmy took a break from the exhaustion by sitting near the changing stalls and cuddle with each other, Bob placed his cheek on Jimmy's chest and smiled saying "I love you Jimmy" Jimmy said it back "I love you more

Jimmy pulled him close to his face and began kissing him, at first it was sweet and genuine but then it got a bit more intimate, Bob tilted his head to kiss at a deeper angle while Jimmy bit Bob's lip gently asking for entrance, Bob resisted and J...

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Jimmy pulled him close to his face and began kissing him, at first it was sweet and genuine but then it got a bit more intimate, Bob tilted his head to kiss at a deeper angle while Jimmy bit Bob's lip gently asking for entrance, Bob resisted and Jimmy pulled away asking "What gives?" Bob looked around and said "isn't this a place a bit too crowded to be doing such things?" Jimmy suggested "We could always do it behind closed stalls-" he winked, Bob's face turned crimson red "Jimmy we are NOT about to do it at a WATERPARK" Jimmy whined "Come on Bob! All we have to do is be extra quiet!" Bob tried to come up with excuses "Aren't the stalls too small?" Jimmy grinned "There's always that handicapped stall we could use" Jimmy defeated him with the better excuses and Bob sighed "Well- as much as I want to do it in a bed I guess we could try new things instead" Jimmy blushed "Bob, we don't have to do this if you don't want to" Bob giggled "Fuck it! Let's do this" Jimmy smirked "Alright Bobby~" Jimmy suddenly picked Bob up and began walking towards one of the handicap stalls at the end, Jimmy took one hand to open it and walked inside with Bob, he closed the door and immediately started going at him, he made out with Bob till they were both a panting mess, they continued to kiss while Jimmy slid his tongue into Bob's mouth, Bob wrapped his arms around Jimmy's neck bringing their bodies closer, Bob sat on Jimmy's lap and began to grind on him, since they were kissing the moans were kind of muffled, they pulled away and Bob said "How am I going to be quiet when it's already so difficult" Jimmy reassured him "You'll be fine, just cover your mouth or try to keep quiet when you feel like you're going to make noise" Bob nodded and said "Sure babe~" he placed his hand on Jimmy's bulge and started rubbing it, Jimmy moaned into his hand trying to be quiet "It's not that easy is it?" He giggled quietly, Bob unzipped Jimmy's pants and took out his dick 'wow' he thought, feeling mesmerized, he immediately took it into his mouth and began licking at the tip, slowly swirling the tip, listening to the muffled moans of his boyfriend, he started taking it in a bit deeper and began bobbing his head up and down at a rapid pace, Jimmy's legs were shaking a bit from how much he was resisting the urge to moan, Bob deep throated him and continued to suck him off, Jimmy felt himself becoming close "Bob..I'm..close-" Bob nods and sucks on him harder, Jimmy came into his mouth as Bob swallowed, he pulled away panting with a expression full of lust, Jimmy grinned and began taking off all of Bob's clothes, Bob did the same for Jimmy until they were both fully naked, Jimmy sat down on the seat that was there. Bob blushes since it's been a while since something like this happens, Jimmy tapped his lap with his hand basically asking Bob to sit down, Bob obeyed and sat down on his lap, he felt Jimmy's erection close on his ass, he turned to look at Jimmy and Jimmy smirked "Shall we?~" Bob nodded and he slowly pushed the tip into Bob, Bob moaned into his hand feeling himself become stretched out by Jimmy, Jimmy spoke "Man did I miss your tightness around me..~" Jimmy pushed it in further, Bob held Jimmy's hand and squeezed it as he felt him going deeper inside him, Jimmy grinned and said " feel so good around me.." he couldn't help but moan, Bob was facing Jimmy on his lap so that they could see each other's facial expressions, Bob's face was crimson red with his pupils dilated enjoying his boyfriend's company and dick inside him. Jimmy pushed it in all the way and let Bob adjust to the overwhelming feeling of pleasure, Bob didn't even want to wait, he just nodded as a sign for Jimmy to start moving, Jimmy started thrusting into him over and over until he felt that it was okay to go faster, he held Bob close and began attacking his chest with hickies "Jimmy....~...don't do that..the kids will find out..~" Jimmy shook his head "you can always change back into some new clothes- it will be fine~" he kept biting and sucking on his chest while thrusting upwards, Bob pulled him closer and moaned his name "J-Jimmy....~" Jimmy smirked and started to thrust even faster "Aaahh...!" Jimmy placed his finger on Bob's lips trying to quiet him down, instead Bob smashed his lips against Jimmy's as they began to make out, Jimmy slammed himself into Bob and rocked his hips back and forth harder than before "mmmm...~" they both moaned into the kiss, they switched positions to where Bob was laying down on the seat and Jimmy was on top of him, he continued to pound his ass roughly until skin began to make many loud slapping noises, Jimmy slammed himself hitting a deeper angle into Bob, he kept hitting many different spots until he found one that made Bob arch his back and moan his name "J-Jimmy!..right there...!~" he said eyes half lidded from the lust, Jimmy smirked and began pounding that same spot over and over until Bob came, shortly after Jimmy made one last thrust before he released into Bob. Bob held out one loud moan as he felt Jimmy's warm load fill up his insides, they both finished a panting sweating mess. Jimmy gave him a kiss and said "I swear I could never get tired of slamming myself into you baby~" Bob smiled "I could never get tired of you pleasuring me..-" they kiss each other, Jimmy knew Bob didn't want to walk out since everyone would notice the hickies, he put on his swimming trunks and Jimmy decided that since they left their suitcases outside the stalls he would go get them, but just as he was walking outside he stumbled into 6 VERY CONFUSED CHILDREN, Tina, Gene, Louise, Andy, Ollie and Jimmy Jr, His eyes widened "Haha! Guys! What are you doing here?..." Gene screamed "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DAD??" Jimmy jr asked "Is he okay?" The kids threw many questions at Jimmy, he said "Yes he's okay! He was just having leg cramps and I had to him with those!" Louise suspected something from the moment she heard it, so she said "I'm not buying this-" Gene said "I don't know what you're selling Jimmy but I'm buying it!" Jimmy jr asked "Is he okay though?" Jimmy responded "Yes he's okay! He just needs a new change of clothes so if you don't mind I'll get them for him since he probably won't be able to walk for days........" Louise squinted her eyes knowing that there's something up, all that Jimmy could do is awkwardly smile and walk to get the suitcases, he made sure the children left before walking in there "Here you go baby" he handed Bob his suitcase, Bob thanked him and they both got changed, they walked out and let the kids change back into their clothes, they then left the water park and drove back home


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