Later that Night (SMUT WARNING!!)

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After a few more weeks lately Jimmy and Bob have been hanging out a little more and more, it can be small things like a phone call or even Jimmy walking across the street to sit down and visit Bob, Everyone noticed they were becoming closer but they never knew about their relationship because both are still sorta closeted, almost every Night Bob would leave the Restaurant to be with Jimmy, They likes to hang out, things were going well, But then SOMETHING happened, (it's not negative) Jimmy made a full recovery from his stitches, Bob was at Jimmy's place watching Netflix and Chill with him, As they were hanging out Bob starting acting out, not in a bad way but Jimmy noticed he was getting clingy with him, Bob hugged Jimmy's arm tightly not letting go of him, Bob presses his cheek against his arm and Jimmy gently squeezes his hand, while kissing Bob on the head, he looks down at him and asks "Hey Bob, Why so clingy? Did you miss me that much?" He chuckles, Bob blushed and nodded " could I not? Work has been exhausting and I just missed you a lot! Who knew we'd get along so well..-" he said slowly lifting himself onto Jimmy's lap, Jimmy genuinely did not expect that but he blushed brightly placing his hands on Bob's sides responding "Y-You don't say?..-" Bob notices Jimmy hardening beneath him and purposely teases him by slightly grinding on him, Jimmy breathed heavily squeezing Bob's sides a bit, Bob leans back a bit pressing his Ass down on Jimmy's pants, Jimmy huffed "Are you..That needy?.." Bob teased him back "I have no clue what you're talking about!" He turned himself around grinding on him hard, Jimmy tried to hold back moans but released some as well with Bob, Jimmy leaned in and Kissed Bob, they started making out with each other passionately, Jimmy picked Bob up suddenly and started making his way towards his room, With one hand he closed the door and placed Bob down on the Bed Jimmy then got on Top of Bob and continued to kiss him, Bob closed his eyes melting over and over into his warm touch, Both Jimmy and Bob's fingers intertwined with each other, Jimmy pulled away and started to take off Bob's shirt, he took a minute to check him out before going down on him giving hickies on his chest and neck, Bob moaned loudly feeling himself harden beneath Jimmy, Jimmy stopped and looked into Bob's eyes seriously, Bob was weirdly turned on by his intimidating stare yet curious of what he was going to tell him, Jimmy paused and asked him "Do you want to go all the way? Are you okay with it? If not I won't, just tell me" Bob looked around in the position they were in and thought deeply about how he felt, he looked back into his eyes panting lightly "P-Please..Jimmy.." he said shyly, Jimmy's face softened as he started to unbuckle his pants and take off his own clothes, until he was fully naked, Jimmy also took Bob's clothes off, he grinned seeing Bob fully exposed to him, Bob noticeably began to feel nervous as Jimmy placed his legs onto his sides, lifting Bob's lower half upwards, Bob felt Jimmy's Dick pressing against him, Jimmy looked down at him again "Are you sure you're ready?" Bob nodded still nervous responding "It's just's my first time with a Guy..-.." they both gave each other a long intimate stare, Jimmy felt kind of special knowing that Bob trusts him "It's okay Bobby, I will be gentle with you, I Promise" he held Bob's hand and slowly pushed the tip into him, Bob moaned feeling himself slowly become stretched out, Jimmy moaned back not expecting the unexpected tightness of him, Jimmy bit his lip genuinely loving the feeling "Hah..You feel so great around me.." he complimented letting Him adjust to it for a moment, Bob stared into his eyes full of lust before giving a slow nod, Jimmy placed his hands on Bob's side sliding it in farther, He moaned quietly noticing small tears forming in the corners of Bob's eyes, he felt bad not wanting to see him in pain, Jimmy took one hand off and placed it on his head, running his fingers through his hair "I'll wait for you babe" he got a bit closer lifting up Bob's chin kissing him, Bob shut his eyes and kisses him back wrapping his legs around Jimmy, Bob placed his arms around Jimmy's neck leaning closer into the kiss, Bob suddenly pushed a little against Jimmy as a sign for him to keep going, Jimmy nodded and pushed it in further slowly, while sucking on Bob's neck, he moaned softly, melting into Jimmy's warmth, Jimmy then looked into his eyes acting up a bit more every moment that passes, he lifted Bob up above him before sliding him back down onto his lap pushing himself until he was fully in making Bob wince, Jimmy spoke "I'm going to start moving, please tell me if you need me to be more gentle" Bob panted a little "Okay..-" He placed his hands on Bob's waist and began to thrust at a steady pace, Bob tried his best to hold in his moans but failed, moaning a bit loudly, Jimmy looked at him smirking a bit placing his hand on Bob's cheek "You look so beautiful..~..
The expression on your face suits you so well..I'd like to see that more often..~" Bob rolled his eyes at the teasing "Shut up Jimmy", His eyebrows raised and Jimmy placed his fingers in Bob's mouth "What did you just say to me?-" he asked him a commanding tone, Bob blushed brightly breathing against his warm fingers "I-.." before he could say anything Jimmy placed him back down below him beginning to thrust a bit harder, Bob moaned louder realizing the pain is started to become less painful "Ahh..!..Jimmy..!" He moaned, Jimmy grinned "You're already getting used to this? Hmm?" Bob presses himself against his Dick "I-I'm not even going to deny it..-" Jimmy smirked and began to slam himself into him, Bob didn't expect that, he flinched throwing his head back moaning "Aaahh..!!..Jimmy..!!!~" Jimmy blushed hearing Bob moan for him so much, it only motivated him more, he suddenly came to a halt, he pulled out with barely just the tip in, Bob opened his eyes looking down at him and then back up confused "Hey!- what gives!? It was getting so good!-" Jimmy snickered and sighed "Ha- well I don't know, I suddenly feel unmotivated! Like I just don't have a reason to continue..-" he said expecting something, he pulled out sitting down, Bob felt needy and began to whine "Ughhh...Jimmyyyy...!!" Jimmy crosses his arms and closed his eyes with a shit eating grin smeared across his face, Bob almost instantly realized what Jimmy wanted from him, Bob lies down with his face in front of Jimmy's dick embarrassed "...Daddy.....Please...I'll do anything..just...put it back in me..I'm begging you...put it back" Bob strokes Jimmy's erection desperate, Bob then gets down raising his ass up for him "Daddy......please..." Jimmy felt himself becoming even harder "How can I say no to that..?~" Jimmy gripped him and slammed himself back inside, Bob arched his back moaning loudly, before Jimmy took full control pounding Bob's ass roughly, Bob screamed into the pillow, gripping the bed sheets tightly, Both Jimmy and Bob moaned as the sounds of slapping skin filled the air, Jimmy pounded into him harshly, he hit Bob's sweet spot causing him to moan really loud, Jimmy did not expect that, However he kept ramming himself into that spot over and over again driving Bob crazy "Daddy..!!!..I'm going to..!" Jimmy moans "Me too..!-" they both moaned in unison until Bob came on the bed sheets and Jimmy released his hot fluids into Bob, Bob moaned into the pillow feeling Jimmy's semen fill him in deeply, Jimmy panted and then pulled out, he stared at Bob's ass watching his own cum leaking down Bob's thighs "You look so nice filled in don't you..?~" Bob nodded staying in the same position exhausted, Jimmy's hands were still on Bob's Ass, Bob noticed Jimmy leaning his face closer "What are you-" he wasn't able to finish his sentence, Jimmy began to eat him out, Bob moaned feeling his hot tongue licking him on his sensitive area "Aaahh..!!" Jimmy kept leaning his face closer licking off the Cum from Bob's thighs, Bob trembled feeling so much pleasure from this. Once he stopped Jimmy got up and slapped his ass roughly "Aaaah!!" Bob screamed into the pillow "That's what you get for back talking me! Now get out of that position, it makes you look like a slut" he said Dominantly, Bob obeyed "Yes Daddy..-" Jimmy smiled not being able to keep a serious face on "Good boy" he kissed Bob on the cheek, Bob spoke feeling strange "Hnghh..I feel so Full and Warm on the this normal?.." Jimmy felt proud responding unashamed "Of course it is! You're going to feel like that every time!" He got dressed, Bob reaches for his Underwear, Jimmy snatches it before he could touch it, Bob complained "Hey! Give it back!" Jimmy shook his head "Nope! I'm gonna keep these for myself" he grinned walking up and pinning them on his wall, Bob flushes red "Then what am I going to wear!?" Jimmy snickered "I've got just the thing-" he opened a door "I've been saving these for a while now, they've been meant for you this whole time!" Jimmy pulled out a underwear with the Italian flag printed on it, Bob felt so embarrassed "You're kidding me right!?" Jimmy responded "Well unless you want to walk around without these then you have no choice" Bob groaned and slid them on, he was surprised at how comfortable they felt on his skin, Jimmy checked him out "Now if someone sees you like this they will know who you belong to and will know who is the only one that can Fuck you, Wow Bob you look great! Why don't you Uhh..turn around for me ay?~" Bob rolled his eyes and turned around "This looks great too~" he groped Bob's Ass, Bob moaned a little "Mm.." Jimmy smacked it again to hear him scream some more "I like how sensitive you are~", Bob nodded feeling exhausted "Yeah..-" he yawned, Jimmy placed him on his lap "Awww~ is my baby tired after having his Ass pounded? Hmm?" Jimmy lifted Bob's chin up, Bob could barely keep his eyes opened "..Yes Daddy..-" he hugged Jimmy and blushed, Jimmy hugged back kissing Bob on the cheek "At least get dressed before passing out! Unless you don't mind showing everyone who you rode~" Bob gets up almost immediately putting on his clothes, Jimmy laughed at how quickly he got up "Hahaha!! You're so silly Bobby!" He walked up to him and kisses his forehead "Are you ready to go?" Bob nodded and just as he was trying to take a few steps towards the door he winced "I-I..don't think I can walk over there! went too hard.." he whined, Jimmy snickered "You were the one begging for it!" Bob couldn't say anything because he was right, however Jimmy picked him up and carried him to the car, driving off

" he whined, Jimmy snickered "You were the one begging for it!" Bob couldn't say anything because he was right, however Jimmy picked him up and carried him to the car, driving off

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