The talk

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The morning sky is only now pinkish/blue-ish and the birds are chirping, one loud one caused Bob to wake up, he slowly rubbed his eyes letting them adjust to the small glimmer of light shine in throughout the room, just as he was starting to stay up a hang pulls him back down. Bob squealed "Aah!!" He looked behind him to see...finally a Sober Jimmy, he laughs at Bob's high pitched scream as Bob blushed out of sheer embarrassment "Jimmy! What was that for you scared me?!" Jimmy turned a bit red from laughter "Haha..!..I'm sorry I just had to" While Bob was smiling he suddenly stopped and frowned a bit, Jimmy noticed the change in Bob's mood. Jimmy frowned too in a semi confused way he said "What's wrong?..." Bob didn't feel like making eye contact so he just sat on Jimmy's bed crisscrossed unsure of how to tell him "You...kissed Trev..." Jimmy's eyes widened but then he relaxed his expression "Don't worry's just a bad dream..." he said concerned, Bob looked at him "No babe...does your head hurt?" Jimmy raised his eyebrows "Yeah actually- How did you know??" Bob frowned "You and Trev were drinking....and...he tried to take advantage of you....I saw and hurt him..." Jimmy noticed emotional change in his voice "Bob...I.....can't believe this are you serious???" Bob nods, Jimmy wasn't sure what to do so he just hugged him "I'm sorry you had to see that...I'll always love you"

Sorry this chapter is short! I'm kind of running out of ideas but I will STILL WRITE MORE IN THE NEAR FUTURE

Jimmy Pesto x Bob Belcher¡ Bob's BurgersWhere stories live. Discover now