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Aarav's POV

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Aarav's POV

I was really impatient after I came to know that they're coming to see her. I was trying to be happy for her but, a part of my heart wanted it to stop.

I called Aki after sometime and he picked up in the 6th ring. "Hello" he said cheerfully. "Umm... Hi" I said, words weren't coming out properly probably cause of nervousness.

"What happened? Who's the guy? Where's he working?" I bombarded him with questions. "Wait wait, lemme tell you everything" he said and paused.

"They loved Minion. Seems like they'll marry and take her to their home tomorrow itself." He said and laughed. I felt a hard punch on my heart, kinda like broken heart syndrome.

"And you already know the groom very well" he said. "It's Rajeev, our old classmate" he added. My blood boiled like hot lava, he has harassed my Kuttu but here they're planning to get her married to him.

"What him? Did Ku... I mean Agalya agree to this?" I asked seriously. "Yeah, she was the first one to agree" he said with a chuckle. Has she gone nuts or did she forget everything that happened?

"Aki, you remember what he did during school right? That's why we unfriended him. Do you really want to take this risk?" I asked genuinely. I don't have any problem even if Kuttu doesn't get married to me, atleast she should be happy. I know about Rajeev already, I'm sure he ahsnt changed.

"Yeah Aarav, I also thought the same earlier but after I spoke to him everything changed. He said that  he was so immature during his teen and has changed now. He also promised me that he would take great care of Minion.

I too doubted him at first but the way he spoke, I've developed trust on him. I feel he has truly changed, and think of it man, he did all those mistakes when he was a teen. Now he has a good job, great looks and humble character." Aki said in an effort to convince me but this doesn't seem good to me.

I thought of saying him about what he did during Kuttu's final year but stopped as it would look like I'm trying to disturb her wedding and it would put Kuttu in trouble.

"Anyways, I'm happy for her. Just make sure you run a background check on him" I said politely.

"I guess that's not needed da. Ok bye, Yazhs is calling" he said and cut the call hurriedly.

Something feels very wrong to me but maybe he has changed truly, god knows the truth.

But, I've lost even my last chance to win Kuttu. The mere thought of it made me feel broken.

I wish I've one day to be with her and express my feelings for her but she too doesn't like me so it would be of no use.

I was about to leave from my room when my coat got struck in the drawer. I removed it while the drawer opened revealing the diary I recieved this morning. I put my hand to close the drawer but I wanted to read the diary.

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