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Agalya's pov

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Agalya's pov

"Will you go out with me?" he asked and I was beyond shocked.

I mean, I've never seen him in such a way and as far as I've heard about him, he is a cheap fellow who is renowned for cheating girls. He even got suspended from school twice. How can I belive that he has changed? This isn't any child play, it's my frickin life.

There was silence for a few moments and then his voice came again," hello Agalya, are you there?"

"Yeah Rajeev, I'm here" I told.

Yazhu who was sitting next to me and hearing all this was frozen too. She signed me to proceed with a serious expression.

I took a deep breathe, composed myself and proceeded.

"Look Rajeev. I'm sorry first of all. I'm already in love with someone else. Please try to understand my situation. I can't do injustice to my love for him..." I told patiently.

"Who's he?" He asked in a high tone which made me and Yazhu flinch.

"That's none of your buisness Mr. Rajeev. Moreover, I know that you're a renowned playboy. How can I trust you and give my life in your hands?" I said what my heart felt.

"No Agalya, I've changed now. Believe me" he said but now not in the same tone, his tone was a medium one but wasn't something that I could belive.

"Sorry Mr. Rajeev. I'm sure you'll get a better girl than me. Please don't disturb me hereafter. Good luck" I said composing myself.

"I want you, you only baby" he said actually roared.

I cut the call and tossed my phone down on the bed in anger. Yazhu who was staring blankly asked," are you okay di?" (Di - is an informal way of addressing)

"Yeah, I just have a little bit of headache. Would you mind sleeping?" I asked her.

"No problem. Just don't take things to mind. Think of this as a nightmare. Don't forget that I'm with you, even if some problem arises, we'll handle it together" she told sweetly. She's a true friend.

I smiled at her and lied down while my phone ringed. It's him again.

I didn't answer and after several missed calls, I put the phone in silent mode and slept.

The next morning I had 78 missed calls and 34 messages from him. Oh god, what is this new problem? I thought to myself.

I went to college and sneaked out through the back gate without him noticing but how long am I gonna do this?

The next day, I fell sick with fever. I switched my phone off so I didn't care much about him during the day.

Flashback over

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