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Agalya's POV

I and Aki rushed downstairs to the place from where the sound came. My dad was lying down holding his chest while my mom was panicking beside him.

My mind blanked out and I stood at the door holding the door while anna was doing first aid procedures.

Everything around me sounded in blur and tears were already leaving my eyes in streams. Yazhu jerked me and I was blinking not understanding the situation.

Anna shouted," Agalya call 9999". I quickly took out my phone from my pocket and dialed. I gave the details with tears and hiccups in middle.

Soon the ambulance came and we reached the hospital where Aki worked. Dad was taken inside the ICU when Aarav rushed into the hospital.

While Aarav was rushing into the ICU, Anna also followed but he stopped him saying," you're emotionally unstable Aki, you better stay outside".

I wiped my tears and went and sat near Amma to console her. Afterall, the love of her life is inside. She cried a lot on my shoulders, I couldn't cry anymore because I need to support mom. If I too cry, it'll weaken her more.

Aki was also walking across impatiently. The ICU door opened and Aarav called Aki. I left mom in her place and went to him.

"See guys don't panic. Appa is having a minor myocardial infraction, in simple terms heart attack. I'm preparing for a balloon angioplasty so don't worry" he told and went inside again.

This time I was strong but Aki broke down, I've never seen him this fragile. I was with mom on my shoulder so I couldn't move. I signed Yazhu to console him.

She went near him and was telling consoling words to him. He put his head on her shoulder and let his tears flow.

My dad is the biggest support of my life. My heart aches seeing all these.

After two hours, Aarav came out and told," no need to worry, the operation was successful. You can go and see him after an hour"

Everyone was relieved and we thanked him. Aarav didn't go back to his cabin but stayed with us and consoled his friend.

I felt in was so suffocating to hold my tears so I excused me from there and went to a window facing the city far away from the ICU.

I started venting out all my tears once I got there. Suddenly, a hand tapped my shoulder. I turned to see Aarav. What's he doing here? Shouldn't he be with Aki?

I wiped my tears immediately and asked," why are you here Bobby?" In between my hiccups.

"You don't have to act in front of me too" he said and the dam broke. I couldn't control anymore. "It's ok kuttu" he repeated hugging me softly. I held his shirt tightly and cried. This hug was warm and consoling and didn't give me any other feelings.

"See kuttu, dad is completely fine. There's nothing to worry" he told in a calming tone. I nodded softly. He made me sit on a nearby chair and went somewhere saying," wait for a minute, I'll be back"

My tears had almost stopped and he came back with two paper cups of tea. I mumbled a small thanks and drank it. He said,"it's been long I think amma will be searching for me, shall we make a move?"

I nodded and walked behind him. "Are you okay Aki?" He asked and sat near his friend. Yazhu stood up and hugged me saying," everything will be fine". They said dad should be under observation so no one is allowed to see him except the doctor.

"I need to tell you all something" Aarav said and stood up. We all turned towards him. "Uncle has been really stressed about something recently. Please find out the reason and keep him happy" he said.

"As far as I know dad was cool with me, I don't know why he's stressed all of a sudden" Aki said and I nodded in agreement.

"Not all of a sudden dears, he's been stressed about you for a few months now. He shared this only with me. H-he's scared that he'll die without seeing your marriage Aki" mom said whimpering.

"What? My marriage? I told you all I wasn't ready" he said shrugging sadly. One person others didn't notice was Yazhu but I did. She looked quite distressed when she heard mom mention about marriage.

After a long silence Aki told," ok, I agree". "What?" Mom asked in surprise. "I told I agree to this marriage. Look for a bride" he said and walked away from the place. Aarav too followed him. But I turned to look at Yazhu she was shocked. Her eyes were glistened and she gave me a look which carried a lot of pain. None of us spoke anything and the night passed.

Soon it was morning and mom was seeing dad through the transparent hole on the door when the nurse came and told us that we can go inside. Mom rushed inside and I stood at the dork seeing them.

"Yenanga" (way of adressing your husband with respect) mom said and held dad's hand which and IV inserted to the vein.

"Maytri!" Dad said with a lot of struggle. Their bond is something which I admire a lot, even after these many years they still look at each other with love in their eyes.

"Yenanga, Akhilan has agreed for marriage" she said smiling. My dad's face bloomed hearing it. "Really?" He asked out of surprise to which my mom nodded.

"Then as soon as I discharge, I'll look for a princess for my son" dad said. "Appa first you need to take rest, then we'll think about all of these" I said.

Mom and Dad were really happy but I couldn't be as happy as them. Yeah, you guys guessed it right, Yazhu. I don't know how to face her, she'll be broken by now.

I came out, called somebody and said," I need your help"


Hey Malabar and Ambur Biriyanis,

This was an emotional chapter but trust me guys, the upcoming chapters will be 😍.

Question of the day

What's your biggest kitchen fail?

For me, it was with hot water 😅 yeah, you heard me right, hot water! I was making hot water for my dad and the bottle slipped pouring hot water on the backside of my hand. My hand was covered with gauze bandage for the next 20 days and I started taking pictures with it everyday 😅. And I also told the cream which they used smelled like tamarind rice 😜.

 And I also told the cream which they used smelled like tamarind rice 😜

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