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Agalya's POV

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Agalya's POV

I woke up with a jolt. Was that a dream *correction* nightmare!?

My body was swearing profusely and I was shivering without my knowledge. If a nightmare gives me this much fear then how would I live it in reality?

I took my phone and saw that the time was 12.30 and I had 3 missed calls, one from Aki and two from Yazhu and few unread messages.

As if on cue, someone started banging my door. I quickly got down the bed and ran to the door.

I opened the door and there stood Aki and Yazhu panting heavily. Aki engulfed me into a hug and muttered sorry million times.

I was confused on why he was saying sorry, I parted and asked," why Aki? What happened?"

"What? You don't know what happened?" Aki asked in panic.

"No Aki, I was sleeping till now" I said in a confused tone but deep down I had a feeling that this wedding would stop.

"Agu see this" Yazhu showed a video of Rajeev in drunken state. My heartbeat raised seeing that.

She played that video and he started speaking in a drunk tome " Clara! Babe! I only love you... I don't love that little b***h Agalya!

I promise you babe, I'm doing all this only for revenge. I wanted to make love to her but what she did? She again brought that bastard Aarav into scene and beat me up...

She thought I didn't know about her and Aarav but guess what I knew it, I somehow knew it during my school days itself. She was really a figure back in those days, I once commented on how seductive she looks and Aarav thrashed me.

Aarav, that frickin bastard always snatched Agu away from me. After all these insults, I came up with my master plan to ruin her life...

I'll marry her, make her mine and then throw her away like trash, I don't think Aarav would take her back so she would learn the lesson of what happens if she messes with me!

I'll definitely destruct her life and make her regret her decision! So baby, after I divorce her, I'll marry you and we'll live a happy life... Now come to me"

With that I stopped the video not being able to hear anymore. How cheap did he go to take revenge?

Tears roll down my cheeks but I felt a sense of relief at the same time. Thank god I got to know this earlier.

"I'm so sorry Agu! Now only Yazhu told about the college incident and how madly you were in love with Aarav. I didn't know that you loved him Agu, only if I had known I'd have not shouted at him that day. It's okay, past is past. Now, you may go and fulfil your dream" Aki said handing me my passport and flight tickets.

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