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Yay. I love school. Note the sarcasm.

'This blows.' I sneered to myself as I inscribed down the assignments that were requested to be done in my class, that homeless sack was still napping while we were doing our shit.

Why was he even a teacher? He got paid for sleeping while we bust our asses for the sake of grades. Thankfully, it was the last period, and then it would be lunch then P.E.

P.E? Unlike other main characters who complain that they hate P.E for moving their fat asses a lot, I quite did enjoy doing sports. It was a lot better than sitting my ass down and doing nothing but writing down the waste of papers about the stuff we won't even need in our future.

At least the internet gives a lot of fun and more knowledge than the school actually gives. I kept on writing on the paperwork and circled the answers by reckoning the logic and recalling something by surfing on browsers at 2 am.

The bell rang and the students stood up from their seats, 'Oh, thanks. Lunchtime, bitches!' I applauded internally, thus, everyone was conversing and departed the classroom except that weird kid from yesterday that I 'saved'.

He seemed to search for something in his schoolbag as I headed out of the classroom.

"W- Wait, L/N-san!" The nervous voice shouted, I rolled my eyes mentally and halted. 'What the hell does he want?'

I turned around to give him my saltiest expression as the flushed face boy reached out to me, "Uh, I- I wanted to thank you... f- for yesterday!" He sputtered with the awkwardness and sincerity mixed tone.

I didn't answer his speech, "A- Are you... are you going to be e- eating with—"

"No and no. Bye." I postponed him without letting him offer me to eat with his club and walked away, leaving him more blushing in embarrassment.

"Y- Yeah... that's alright..." He murmured downbeat to himself but I dismissed him.

I hiked to the lunchroom direction and earned the food from the cooker, I carried the tray around before spotting the empty table again. My eyes squinted in success, I speed-walked towards it and placed my tray down on the table, and ate in peace.

For some time, I saw the red-headed dude approaching me, I wailed silently to myself. 'Not again...'

"Hey man, you should join us! We're Bakusquad and I bet it'll be a lot cooler if you joined!"

I didn't say anything and kept eating to make him feel awkward, the red-headed male chuckled nervously as he glanced back at his squad who was eyeing him and me.

I snorted lightly after I finished eating and looked up at him with no motivation, "Can't you see that I'm ignoring you?"

His face fired up in humiliation and scratched his neck, "Ehh, sorry! But do you want to join us?" His blush slowly ebbed, giving me an optimistic look.

"Join what? Join a cult?" I quizzed with no interest, munching on the apple.

The male chuckled lightly, "Haha! Kinda! But it's Bakusquad!"

"Bakusquad?" The red-headed male nodded eagerly, "Nope, I don't have any motivation to be friends with assfaces like y'all. Thanks for wasting time. Bye." I stood up taller than him and grabbed the empty tray, my arm pushing him out of the way rudely.

"Uh- oh!" He exclaimed lightly as he was pushed out by my arm and I didn't spare any glances towards anyone, delivering my tray towards the section that was used trays.

I went straight to the boys' locker room to change into the gym uniform.

[ . . . ]

"Damn, Bakubro! I can't believe that L/N beat you for the fifth time!! So manly!" Kirishima laughed along with Hanta, the spiky-haired snarled at them and threatened them as I took off my top gym uniform while ignoring their dumb babbling.

"Hey L- L/N-san, congratulations on b- beating Kacchan five t- times!" The soft yet proud voice beamed next to me with the happy face of a freckled male, rolling my eyes as I grabbed the white blouse while shirtless with uniform pants and shoes on.

"What the fuck did you just say, you shitty nerd?!" Katsuki barked, greenette haired boy, flinched at the hostile tone. "I'm gonna kill you, bastard!"

"Bakubro, chill out!" Kirishima cackled and heaved the blonde ashe haired male back to avoid him hurting Midoriya.

"I- I was just congratulating L/N-san for w- winning five times! How is that a p- problem?" Midoriya murmured at the end of the sentence as I slipped in the white blouse, getting fed up by their unnecessary topics.


"SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP." I cut Bakugou's speech completely and slammed the locker shut angrily, making males in the same room jump at my abrupt raise of voice, "NOBODY GIVES FUCK WHO FUCKING WINS OR NOT! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP, Y'ALL WASTING YOUR BREATH HERE!"

They gaped at me in surprise, even Bakugou was stunned and went quiet.

"Fucking school, fucking people, always whining about shit... y'all are above 15 years old, grow the fuck up and grow some damn balls," I muttered loudly while buttoning my buttons and snatched my belongings then left the room.

For some minutes of silence, Todoroki spoke up which caused Bakugou to glare at him. "I agree with him."

"Shut the fuck up, you half 'n' half bastard!"

[ . . . ]

"H- Hey, L/N-san...!" The same voice yelled behind me as I wandered on the way to the train station. "L- L/N-san!" He reached out behind me.

"Deku-kun, are you sure it's a really good idea...?" Whispered the girl to the boy behind me.


"No, it's not," I remarked, interrupting Midoriya's answer. "Leave me the fuck alone, I'm not a goddamn messiah."

"Deku-kun, I- I think we better leave before it's too late!" The brunette haired female faltered fearfully and attempted to pull the emerald-eyed boy.

"But Uraraka-chan..." the voice started to get weaker but I managed to get away from them and got on the train.

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