Bakugo!SMR x Shoto part 2

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It's a part 2 of the oneshot from volume III. Requested by Ali-1015.

Y/n grew up to be a pro hero. He got married to Shoto and with the motivation and support of his father-in-law, there was nothing he couldn't do. He was visiting his parents from time to time, making sure that he didn't see his brother. Even though Katsuki tried to reach him many times, Y/n always refused to talk to him. Katsuki missed him a lot, to the point where he got in a heavy depression because of that. He knew that he hurt his brother in the past. He would make it up to him, if only he got a chance.

-Shoto baby, are you ready? - asked Y/n, as his husband was in the bathroom, getting ready for dinner at Y/n's parents' house. It was obvious that Katsuki is going to be there, but he promised his mother that he will visit and take Shoto with him. He wasn't the same scared kid he used to be.

-Just a moment, I must look perfect. -he answered making Y/n chuckle.

-Sugar, my parents love you anyway. -he said.

-I know, I just prefer to avoid Mistuki's questions about the circles around my eyes. - sighed Shoto.- Though it was worth it.

-I couldn't stop myslef. - chuckled Y/n.

-And I didn't want you to stop. - Shoto smirked as he opened the door to the bathroom and ran his finger down Y/n's chest. Y/n watched it, then looked into Shoto's eyes.

-I would propose another round but we need to go. - purred Y/n.

They stood there like this for few minutes, contemplating if they really had to go, or would they find some time for sex. Shoto wanted to pull Y/n to the bedroom, but he knew that if he got him horny, they wouldn't just do it once. A session with Y/n lasted at least three times.

-Let's go before I will change my mind.- sighed Shoto and kissed Y/n's cheek.

Y/n let out a sigh as well and got himself ready. After few moments they were ready to go. They locked the house, jumped in the car and took a ride to Y/n's family home.They shared a small talk and listened to music. Y/n had his hand on Shoto's thigh all the time, apart from when he had to shift gears. Half an hour later they were on the spot. They got out of the car and immediately Y/n was tackled down by his mother.

-Y/n my baby! - she yelled and crushed her son in a hug.

-H-hey mom. - he said.

-I told you to visit me more often. -she growled and started choking him, making Shoto chuckle.

-I'm sorry Mistsuki, I should make sure he didn't neglect you. - said Shoto. Mitsuki got up and hugged herson-in-law.

-Better late then never. - she smiled sweetly, as if she wasn't choking her son few seconds ago. - It's good to see you.

Mitsuki let Y/n and Shoto to the kitchen. Y/n hugged his father and asked if he needed any help in the kitchen. Masaru accepted it gladly, leaving Mistuki and Shoto to talk. Meanwhile in the other room...

Katsuki was very nervous. He was sitting in his room. He knew that he should come out and say hi to his brother, but he couldn't bring himslef to do it. He couldn't look him in the eye. His thoughts were disturbed by the knock on the door.

-Katsuki, it's me. - Katsuki froze when he heard his brother's voice. It sounded different, stronger. - May I come in?

-Y-yeah. - sighed Katsuki.

He watched as the door opened, revealing his brother. He was bigger, seemed more buff and strong. Katsuki wanted to say something, but he couldn't. He didn't know where to start. He wanted to apologize, to make sure that his brother was okay, that Endeavor wasn't hurting him...

-How have you been? - asked Y/n, sitting down next to Katsuki.

-Terrible. - muttered Katsuki.

Then it was silent. None of them knew what to say. Or at least Y/n didn't know how to spark up a conversation, because Katsuki's thoughts were racing. The atmosphere between them was never so awkward. They sat in silence for a moment longer before Katsuki finally sighed and spoke up.

-I'm sorry. - he muttered. - For everything . I made your life a living hell ever since we were kids. I understand it now.

-Too bad that you understood it so late. - answered Y/n. Shoto kept telling him to talk to his brother and try to make up. At least he didn't put any pressure on him in that matter.

-I know I messed up. - sighed Katsuki.- And that you most likely would forget that I'm your brother.

-It's hard to do when I'm your twin brother. - muttered Y/n.

-Yeah. - muttered Katsuki. - I really wish I could make up with you.

-You have a long way to go Katsuki. -said Y/n. - But at least we have a start. Now lets go to eat, before mom will start asking embarassing questions to Shoto.

Katsuki smiled lightly and followed his brother to the kitchen. Y/n smirked as he saw the blush on Shoto's face. Y/n wrapped his arms around him and kissed his cheeek.

-Mom, stop embarassing my husband. - he said.

-You two should stop playing saint, I can see that you had a restless night. - she said and helped her husband to set the table.

One shots vol. VII (Seme male reader x Various)Where stories live. Discover now