Viktor Nikiforov x Billionare!SMR part 7

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Y/n was sitting in the waiting room. He was at work when he got a call, saying that Viktor was in the hospital, giving birth. The child was supposed to be born a month later, so Y/n drove to the hospital as fast as he could. When he arrived the doctors were in the middle of performing the C-section.Y/n was pacing down the corridor and back from time to time to calm his nerves a bit. His heart felt like it would jump out of his chest.

-Mr. L/n? - Y/n turned around, hearing the nurse's voice.

-It's me. - he said.

-The baby and your partner are okay. -she said. - You will find them in room 69.

-Thank you. - said Y/n and made his way further into the ward, looking for the said number of the room.

Once he found it he opened the door and stepped in. He found Viktor on the bed sleeping. He looked exhausted. Y/n brought a chair to Viktor's bed and sat down on it. He took his hand in his and kissed his fingers gently. He waited until Viktor woke up.

Time skip

Few hours later Viktor finally woke up. Y/n noticed it right away and smiled a bit. Viktor opened his eyes and smiled as well seeing the face of his man. Y/n kissed his forehead gently and played with his hair.

-You must be tired. - said Y/n. - Get some sleep.

-Have you seen the baby? - asked Viktor.

-Not yet. - Y/n shook his head. - I didn't want to leave your side. I was worried.

-How adorable. - smiled Viktor.

Few minutes Viktor fell asleep again.Y/n smiled and got out of the room, heading to the ward with newborns. He asked the nurse where was his baby, since he didn't see him yet. All he knew that it was a boy. The nurse led him to his son. Y/n looked at the sleeping baby. The boy had h/c hair, and looked similar to Viktor.

-Welcome to the world little one. -said Y/n smiling.

He stayed with the baby for a moment and snapped a quick picture of his son. Then he came back to Viktor. Y/n took the seat next to Viktor. He felt tired out of sudden. Y/n leaned on the verge of Vikor's bed and fell asleep in the matter of few seconds.

Few days later Viktor was let out of hospital. Since S/n was born too early he had to stay in the hospital for longer. Viktor and Y/n visited him every day, they couldn't wait until they well be able to finally take him home.

-He is so beautiful. - said Viktor.

-He took it from you. - smiled Y/n playing with Viktor's hair.

Time skip

Few weeks later they were allowed to bring S/n home. Y/n was pleased with the fact that he had his family close. Viktor put S/n in his nursey and joined Y/n in the living room. He snuggled up to him on the couch and sighed in content. Y/n squeezed Viktor in his arms. He had something going in his head for awhile. He smiled and took something out of his pocket and slipped itin the pocket of Viktor's pants. Viktor of course reached for it right after and took it out. He smiled as he held a small box in his hands. Viktor opened it and widened his eyes when he saw the content of the box. It was a diamond ring.

-Will you marry me? - asked Y/n raising his eyebrow.

-Y/n...I...yes. - said Viktor with a heart-shaped smile n his face.

Y/n slipped the ring on Viktor's finger and kissed him passionately. They shared that kiss until they heard S/n's cry. Y/n groaned and stood up. He made his way to S/n and picked him up from his crib, cooing at him to calm him down. Y/n carried the baby to Viktor.

-I think he's hungry. - he said. Viktor took the baby in his arms and pulled his shirt up. S/n started drinking his milk as soon as Viktor pulled him to his nipple. - You look so hot when you're boob feeding him. - said Y/n.

-You'll get some of that hotness later.- smirked Viktor and focused back on S/n.

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