Viktor Nikiforov x Billionare!SMR part 2

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Viktor and Yuri came back to Japan. Over the past week Viktor didn't feel too well. He was thowing up constantly, complained about the pain in his hips and barely ate anything. He couldn't stand most of the food, the smell itself was enough to make him nauseous again. Viktor hoped to spend some time in the hot springs and get better.

-Did you call him? - asked Yuri, knowing about Viktor's incident from the week before.

-Not yet. - Viktor shook his head. - I can't meet up with him when I'm sick. - he explained and leaned further in his seat. He felt sleepy out of sudden, so he decided to take a nap.

Time skip

The nap was longer than expected. Viktor was woken up by Yuri nudging him lightly. He didn't even woke up for a meal. Viktor started taking his condition seriously. He made a mental note to go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Viktor and Yuri got out of the plane. They were picked up by Minako. She drove them to Yuri's house, where they could get some well-deserved rest. Viktor ate some of the pork cutlet bowl, his stomach actually accepted that and got in the hot springs. The hot water helped to relax all the stress and tension in his muscles. Viktor let out a small content moan at the feeling of content coming though his body.

-I'd recognize that moan everywhere. -Viktor jumped in his seat once he heard the familiar voice.

-Y/n. - Viktor blushed seeing Y/n's naked form, joining him at the spring. He couldn't blame his drunken self for having sex with him. Y/n looked like a sex god. - What are you doing here?

-Well I was relaxing after a week full of lof work and meetings, now I can modify my plans to do you. - he smirked. - How does that sound?

-Tempting proposition, but I happen to be just a little bit sick. - said Viktor.

-Have you've been to the doctor? -asked Y/n.

-I'm going tomorrow. - answered Viktor and leaned back, letting warm water relax him fully. - How is that possible that we are meeting each other here? Were you following me?- smirked Viktor and gave Y/n a side glance.

-I'd follow you all over the world baby. - winked Y/n with a sexy smirk. - And to answer your question fully, I'm living not so far away from here.

-I see. - nodded Viktor, pleased with an answer. - How convienient. - he added.

-Indeed. - grinned Y/n.

Viktor and Y/n talked for a good while.Viktor was surprised how natural it was for them to talk or tease each other. As if they knew each other forever. Viktor felt at ease when he was by Y/n's side, even though it was just a second time he talked to him in person. Viktor couldn't believe how fast and easy he fell in love with the handsome billionaire.

-Let me know when you will feel better.- said Y/n. - You should get punished for not calling me.

-I'm sorry. - chucked Viktor. - I didn't want to bother you when I'm not feeling well. But I will gladly repeat that night, this time sober.

-I'd also like that. - answered Y/n –This time I promise you won't be able to walk.

-I have very strong muscles in my legs.- smiled Viktor.

-I know. - teased Y/n. - They were wrapped around my hips so hard that I couldn't pull out.

Viktor blushed and chuckled at Y/n's words. Y/n always had a comeback to all his teases. He was just irresistible. Viktor felt himslef get even more fond of Y/n. There was something alluring in him, that caught everyone's attention.

Time skip

Y/n was introduced to Yuri's family and parted his ways with Viktor in the evening. Y/n took Viktors phone number and got in his car. This time Viktor watched him disappear in f/c Nissan GTR. Viktor let out a small sigh as he watched the car get smaller and smaller in the distance. Once he couldn't spot it anymore he went to his room for a nap.

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