Enji Todoroki x SMR

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Request from fansize.

Y/n was reading a bedtime story to his kids. All four of them. Even though his husband, Enji Todoroki didn't want Shoto's siblings to interact with him, Y/n disregarded it as always. His family was more important to him than some titles. Y/n knew that Endeavor will be angry at him for that, but he didn't care. He will never allow hate between his children.

-Daddy? - said Toya.


-Why doesn't papa love us?

This question took Y/n aback. He didn't know how to respond to that. In face he wanted to cry, then skin his husband to the bone. Y/n always protected his kids when Endeavor tried to hit them, sometimes getting hit instead. Every time that happened Enji was apologizing, scared that Y/n will leave. This was the only thing that the mighty Endeavor was afraid of. Y/n gulped the lump that appeared in his throat before speaking up.

-He does love you, he just takes your love for granted. - answered Y/n. - In face, he takes all of us for granted. He used to be such a sweet thing. That's why I fell in love with him. Then he fixated himslef on becoming the number one Hero and that's when the problems appeared. Maybe I should apologize to all of you for not leaving him and taking you with me, but I still love him. I don't know what to do sometimes. - Y/n whispered the last sentenceas the looked down on his lap.

His kids wrapped their arms around him and hugged him tight. Y/n kissed their foreheads and went to his bedroom as the children went to their beds in the separate bedrooms. Y/n felt like shit, Toya's question still ringing in his ears. He felt his stomach twisting as he was getting nervous, then mad. He was getting fed up.

His thoughts were disturbed by Enji's homecoming. He was oddly cheerful. Y/n felt the rush of anger as he looked at his husband. He stood up from their bed and crossed his arms against his chest. Endeavor walked up to Y/n and leaned in for a kiss, but Y/n pushed him away.

-What's wrong with you? - asked Endeavor. - Doesn't matter, listen to the news. Allmight retired, I'm the new number one Hero. - grinned Enji, waiting for Y/n's reaction. He didn't expect the stern look in his eyes. Then he heard the words he never wanted to hear.

-I want the divorce. - said Y/n, looking straight into Enji's eyes.

-W-what? - he asked. - Why?

-Today one of your children asked me why don't you love them. - said Y/n. He spoke in cold voice, making Enji wince hearing that. - I have enough of this. It's not how the loving family I dreamed of looks like and I'm done seeing you breaking my kids one by one. I'm going to make them happy, with or without you.

-I thought you loved me. - said Enji.

-I though you loved me and the kids too. - Y/n glared at Enji. - You were so happy when Toya was born, when you gave birth to him. Until he showed his quirk that it. You hurt our kids and they will always remember that. They will remember how you acted towards me and them and I pray to every god that exists that they will have happy families in the future.

Y/n got ready to bed and laid down. Enji was frozen. He didn't know what to do or say. His dream of becoming the number one came true, but he was loosing his loved one and the kids he gave birth to. Was he really that blind all this time? Enji didn't notice when he started crying. Once he did he fell to his knees in the middle of his and Y/n's bedroom and cried harder. Y/n felt the tears in his eyes as well, but he stopped himslef from walking up to Enji and comforting him.

Time skip

On the next day Y/n woke up alone. He remembers that Enji drank few shots of vodka from their bar and went to bed. What surprised him was the delicious smell of food. He assumed that the kids were making breakfast for him. They never cooked for Enji. Y/n got up and put some pants on. He also decided towear some f/c t-shirt before he made his way out of the bedroom. Y/n went to the kitchen and froze when he saw the table. It was filled with food and Enji was standing in front of the stove, cooking scrambled eggs. Their kids were sitting at the table already, eating sandwiches from the huge pile.

-Good morning Y/n. - smiled Enji.

-Did I die in my sleep? - asked Y/n.

-No you didn't. - said Enji, saddening.

It pained him that his husband didn't believe in the change he was trying to make, but he couldn't blame him, or the kids. They were all afraid to come out of their bedrooms when Enji was around. He hugged and apologized to each of them, but he didn't feel forgiven.

-I don't want you to leave. - said Endeavor as he put the eggs on the plates. He passed them to kids and set another two for Y/n and himself. - I was stupid and did everything I shouldn't do. I want you to give me another chance, not just you, but the kids too. I want to make it all right.

-Kids? Do you want papa to fight for your love? - asked Y/n, raising his eyebrow. Kids responded with nods as they ate.

-Alright Enji, but this is the last chance. - said Y/n. - Next time I will see you hurting any of them and there will be no turning back.

-Thank you. - said Enji and hugged his husband tight.

Y/n hugged him back, giving kids a smile over Enji's shoulder. They smiled back, reasurred that everything will get better from now on. And it was better indeed, as Endeavor was cooking for his family whenever he was around and spent quality time with the kids. Y/n watched pleased as they slowly started trusting his father and the atmosphere of fear left their household.

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