Ch. 4 Skin to Skin

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She is soft and curved in all the right ways. I drink her in with my eyes as long as I can resist, but with her on my lap, I can't hold back anymore. I take off her bra to cup her breasts, kissing my way down to her hardened nipples. I pull it into my mouth, relishing the feel of the nubbed skin and tiny peak under my tongue.

She moans and arches further into me, the shift of her hips on my cock darkens my eyesight for moment. I almost throw her on the bed to crush her underneath me and take what I want.

Instead, I hold her tighter as I tease that nipple, nibbling and sucking. Fuck, her skin is so soft. Absolutely perfect.

My hands stray down the velvet skin of her back to her jeans so I can cup her round ass. She sighs and rotates her hips again, grinding against me. My cock is starting to protest his confinement, but I promised this woman all night and I intend to enjoy every second of making it count for her.

I grip her hips and help her rub herself more, loving how her breathing speeds up. I kiss my way to her other breast and take that nipple in my mouth as well. Her hands clasp my hair and tug. A shudder runs through me. She moves against me as if she wants to ride me, and a slew of dirty thoughts and images run through my head.

Yes, soon, I'll have her riding my hard cock until she cums and then she'll keep riding me.

Her fingers tug at my shirt and I help her lift it over my head. She moves as if to kiss my neck or shoulder, but I take her face gently to stop her.

"Kiss me. On the mouth."

She seems surprised by my order and frowns.

"Kiss me," I say. She kissed me in the bathroom earlier, why should this be different? "I want to taste you. All of you. Tonight, you belong to me."

She traces my mouth with a finger, setting off a wave of lust in my whole body. I want to fuck her so badly. I want to press into her wet pussy and explode inside of her. I want her beneath me, on top of me, on all fours in front of me as I pound into her and she screams with an orgasm. But I don't move a muscle. I watch as she descends hesitantly to brush her lips to mine. I wait patiently as she places small kisses at each corner of my mouth, her breath tickling my lips. She hesitates again, as if not sure whether or not to kiss me again, and I take a handful of hair at her nape and pull her to me.

I kiss her deeply, breathing her in, exploring her lips, her mouth, the way she feels against me, with me. No more hesitating. I'm out of patience. She came here needing exactly this. She digs her nails into my shoulders and I keep kissing her.

I could kiss this woman forever. Her bare breasts are on my chest, her nipples pressing into me. With my free hand, I wrap my arm around her waist to guide her closer and the heat of her pussy through her jeans hits my bare stomach.

I growl into her mouth, dying to have more of her. Holding onto her, I stand and place her on the bed, facing away from me. She would have laid down, but I guide her to kneel and I stand behind her and cup her heavy breasts. The height of the bed makes her nearly as tall as I am.

I let the heat from her back warm my chest as I catch my breath a moment. I tell myself I can't let this go too fast, but my dick doesn't agree. Too bad, you bastard. You've gotten me in trouble enough times.

I can sense that she needs as much contact—skin to skin—as I can give. I put enough pressure on her shoulders to lean her back into me, supporting her, then nibble across one shoulder and to her nape. I have to move her thick hair to the other side and I kiss her sensitive nape and neck. She drops her head to my shoulder, and tension flows out of her muscles. She's starting to let go of her rigid control and nervousness. I pinch her nipples as I nip her shoulder and she gasps, squirming.

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