Ch. 5 Beautiful

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I have been expecting something to go wrong the entire evening, that when everything goes right—perfectly right—my nerves buzz as if I've been caught in the middle of messing up. I'm so on edge, I'm ready to fall into imaginary pits.

A condom. That's what a one-night stand is supposed to have. I exhale, an idea sparking to life. "It's just been a really, really long time. I guess I forgot. Here, let me."

To his obvious surprise, I take a firm hold of his dick. Instead of putting on the condom, though, I ease his erection into my mouth and suck until I'm halfway down the shaft. His cock stretches my mouth wide.

He groans, stroking the side of my lips. I let go to roll on the condom, but, impatient, he finishes for me. Leaning back, he beckons. "All right. You're in charge."

I swallow nervously and move over him. As large as that erection is, and as long as it's been since I've been with a man, I wonder if this is going to work. He grips the pillows, breath catching in his throat.

I take him in, sliding down until I rest at the base of his cock. Other than a faint inhale and the tightening of his jaw, he didn't move. I can do this. I can be in control.

I rotate my hips, grinding into him, hitting those sweet spots on my sex. From the look on his face, he's enjoying it, too. He grasps my hips, moving with me at my pace. Liquid heat coils through me, from feet to head. I pick up speed, loving the pressure of him inside me. My sex clenches as I rock against him. I gasp for air, unable to think about anything but the feel of him.

"Keep going, beautiful," he says. "You can do this."

He calls me beautiful and something inside my chest snaps free. I almost begin to cry. Or laugh. Or shout. He tells me I can do this, but I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. Make him come?

I shudder and ride him harder at the thought. Yes, I want his come inside me, even if he is wearing the condom. I want him to orgasm so hard, he shakes the room. The bedframe hits the wall with low thuds in the rhythm I set, but I think it should be louder. I want the whole world to know when he comes because I'm fucking him.

"Switch," I say. "Give it to me."

Instantly he flips me over. I lock my legs behind his pelvis, and he drives into me. The bed slams into the wall. He's filling me, stretching me so completely with his cock. I grit my teeth in pleasure as he picks up speed.

His arms support him away from my chest and for a moment I want that closeness of a full body touch, however the sight of the ropey muscles and flat stomach is too sexy to end. I watch as the orgasm starts to take him. It sends me over the edge for the third time.

He pushes deeply inside me and I can feel his cock contracting. He shouts.

Fluttering waves flood my body from my core to my scalp and even my ties and calves start to cramp. I gasp for air, letting the pleasure take me as long as I can make it last.

He lowers himself to one elbow on his side to not collapse on me. I unwrap my legs partly so he can take off the condom and wipe himself down. He's turned away from me.

Then suddenly, I don't know what to do or say. Does he expect me to leave? Will he jump up for a shower, like Trey used to do, and if so, should I leave then? I freeze on the bed.

With a noisy sigh, he relaxes, stretching out. He puts an arm around my waist and pulls me in to rest against his chest. I freeze. What does he want from exactly? Then he nuzzles my hair, and I melt. I snuggle in against him, as close as I can possibly get. Once again the tension that was building rushes from me. He has that effect on me, when no amount of yoga, after work glasses of wine, meditation, or self-help videos has helped me.

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