Ch. 12 World of Heartbreak

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I know a good fuck or two doesn't cure a world of heartbreak. It's a kick in the gut to see Jordan crying and saying she should go home right after she came to me in the first place.

"I'll say it again." I stroke her cheek—moist with tears—to coax her to look up at me. "You should stay. I don't care if you need to cry the whole night. Do it. I'll still be here, holding you in the morning."

She sobs and reaches for me. I pull her close and we work our way under the covers, and I let her cry on my chest. I hand her a tissue from the nightstand.

This makes her smile and almost laugh. "Thanks. I such a wreck."

"Less than I would be in your shoes. Well, your feet are bare. In fact, all of you is bare. Wait, you're naked. I better check this...." I lift the sheet and she smacks it down, laughing for real this time.

My heart soars. I squeeze her tight against me, loving the velvety warmth of her skin on mine, from head to toe. "Jordan, you've had a shit card deal in life, but I can take whatever you have to get rid of."

I don't say, I'll be here for you, until I leave in two days. I'm in limbo here, and I can't decide what to do or where to go when. I shake it off. She's here with me tonight, and that's all that matters. I'll take it one day and night at a time.

"I actually came and waited for you to cuss you out. Then, I kind of fell apart," she says.

I nuzzle her ear until she shivers, shying away. "And I'm going to make you fall apart again before the night is over."

She turns, and her breasts rub on my chest. My dick instantly goes hard at the thought of me making her come again. "Yeah, I noticed that. It might be why I didn't get around to cussing at you."

"You were angry," I say firmly. "Why? Because Brandon and Javier saw us? Because you felt you had to tell me about Trey?"

"Yes and no for both. I'm always angry. I've been angry for years, even before Trey, but I've never been allowed to let it out. I have to keep it hidden, keep it buried, even when it's ripping me apart."

"In that case, you should have yelled at me. Hit me. Called me every obscenity in the book and then made up a few names. I told you, I can take what you throw."

"But I can't seem to let it out. It's just in there." She touches her breastbone. "Festering."

I frown. Not being able to let my anger out is not my kind of problem. I had to learn to channel my rage or I would have self-destructed. I'm not sure how to help her with this one.

She gives a wry smile. "Sexy, I know. Old, festering anger in my chest."

I push her back into the bed. "Very sexy." And I plant a kiss on the spot she had touched. I run my tongue up her to the little V at the base of her neck. She laughs and pushes my face away. In the meantime, I've managed to get between her legs again, and she gasps when she realizes where I am. I stroke the side of her body and move my hand to her clit.

She opens a little wider for me to touch her. She's wet and needy. She lifts her hips and bites her lower lip as I slide a finger into her. I take it out and lick it. Her eyes are unfocused under her heavy eyelids—she's definitely ready for more.

"As I said very sexy. Turn over. Time to let some of those emotions out." We have all night to talk, after all. "Show me your gorgeous, pink pussy. I want to see it."

She rolls over onto all fours and lifts her ass in the air, knees slightly parted on the bed. I'm torn between wanted to slide my cock into her immediately and feeling her come when I'm inside again, and wanted to taste her until she finishes on my tongue.

Both. I'll do both.

Why make life more difficult than it already is? I give her a long, good lick up the middle of her sex, and gently probe her entrance. She's so wet and salty-fresh. Pure woman. I have to wonder where she is in her cycle—talking about giving her a baby has made my dick harder than usual, if that were possible. She might unconsciously be seeking to fulfill her body's desires to be pregnant.

That will be for another day, though. When she's in a better state of mind we can discuss my fathering a child. The idea makes me glow with warmth. She wiggles her ass at me, and I suck on her clit in response like I'll never have another one the rest of my life. There are things I never get tired of doing. As her breathing speeds up, I let my fingers go to work, focusing on her clit and the plumped lips of her pussy.

She moans something.

"What was that?" I ask, grinning.

"Fucking give it to me, Cole."

"Ask again, but use please."

"Fucking now, Cole."

All right. She sounds like she knows what she wants. I kneel behind her and take her hips in my hands. Her breasts swing freely, and I wish I had a better view of them. I'm about to make some waves.

I press my erection to her sex and then remember the condom. Shit. I reach for it as she groans in annoyance at me. Two seconds later I pull her hips firmly, to slide her onto my dick and hit the wall of her sex as hard as I can.

"Oh, god..." She arches her head and drops the middle of her back to change the friction in her pussy and I let instincts take over. I'm fucking her as hard and fast as I can.

It's a raw, needy fuck of mindless sensation. All that exists is her tight pussy on me and the noises of pleasure she's making. Which are growing louder and louder. Her fingers curl in the sheets and she shouts out as she finishes, but I keep going, rocking her on my erection. I reach under her to rub circles on her clit, slowing down a little. I want one more from her. She said she wanted to forget everything else for one night? I intend to make her forget her own name while I fuck her.

"I'm going...I need...I can't..." she says, voice hoarse.

"Yes, you can." I change the angle, sitting back on my heels and pulling her upright, straddling my lap, her back to my chest. I don't have much power in my thrusting, but I have full access of her pussy spread wide open in front of me. I reach around to her front and finger her sex with one hand and I cup one breast with the other. I pinch her nipple between my fingers, tugging.

She reaches up and behind to my hair and fists it. The pain in my head sets off ripples of pleasure. I love seeing her let go of all control.

Trembling, she tries to lean back to kiss me, but she is breathing too hard.

"You can," I whisper and run kisses down her neck. I make circles on her clit and just below, my dick is clamped in her pussy. She begins to buck her hips in small movements and as I start to lose control, she shudders and breaks with an orgasm.

I let her ride it out against my chest as she comes down from it, I push her on all fours again to drive a last, hard time deep inside her. My orgasm shakes me to my bones.

We breathe together, almost synchronized. She pats the bed next to her and I roll off the condom carefully and lie down next her. We resume the position from before with my arm around her and her head on my shoulder. I stroke her skin in little ovals, her hair tickling my nose. I don't mind.

She's quiet for a long time, but then glances up at me. "Who were you when you a teenager, Cole? I want to know everything about you. All your stupid thoughts, insecurities, fears, what made you such a troublemaker, everything."

"I had it bad at home, there's no secrets there." I'm not sure I can answer her honestly. The words are too tangled in my chest, along with my emotions. "First you. You were so cute and blonde in high school. I didn't recognize you right away. There was some sad business with your family, wasn't there?"

She nodded, silent.

"What happened, Jordan?" I ask. "What really happened to your father?"

She sucks in her breath and jerks her head up to look at me. "What do you mean?"

Shit. Did I scare her?

*** Have a great day!!! Hit the star if you enjoyed it, and see you for the next chapter! ***

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