Ch. 9 The Covered Bridge

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Sharon: Guess who's trying to track you down?

The message from Sharon glares from my screen like a lighthouse beam in my eyes—is this the end of my waiting? I jump up from my sofa and pace my living room. My muscles clench through my whole torso so badly, it feels like a full-body cramp.

Trey. Did Trey contact her?

But that would have to mean that Brandon called him after noticing me drive home this morning. No. Please no. But it would be too much of a coincidence, otherwise.

Oh, god. I can barely make my fingers move, they are shaking so badly.

Me: Who?

I hit send. I force myself to breathe in deeply through the nose and exhale with a long sigh. Don't have a heart attack now, Jordan.

Sharon: Mr. Hot stuff from the bar, you sly minx! He asked for your number

Sharon: Didn't give it to him. He gave me a note like a school kid. Ready?

It takes me a minute—no longer—to understand her message. It wasn't Trey. I feel like I've been bludgeoned with a crowbar. I have to press down on my chest to hold myself together.

Cole. It was Cole. He was at the bar looking for me. This is so bad. This can't be.

At the same time as my muscles relax, my heart flutters. He's trying to contact me. Maybe he wants to see me, to do more than see me.

No, I can't ride this rollercoaster of fear and doubt for a few moments of false happiness.

My phone beeps.

Sharon: Do you want the message or not? I'm not driving by to hand it to you....

A message from Cole? Focus!

Me: Tell me

Sharon: He says meet me at the covered bridge at 10, I have something to show you

My eyebrows pinch together. The covered bridge? Where the kids used to go to party on the weekends?

My fingers type out a message, deleting and rewriting several times.

Me: Did he leave you his number?

Sharon will know from my response that I'm less than thrilled, but I can't pretend and I can't explain through texts. We'll talk over coffee on Monday.

Sharon: no

Me: okay thanks

Sharon: you don't have to go you don't owe him anything

Me: I know

A chance to see him before he leaves forever. This is one last chance. And if the bridge is deserted....

Sharon: I won't tell you what to do, but I think he's worth taking a risk for

I can't respond. Is it really worth it? On the other hand, if I ghost him, he might try harder to track me down. Start asking around town or show up at my house. We both need closure—so he understands there can never be anything between us.

I throw myself back on my sofa. I could stay here, pretending to be the perfect mother waiting for her daughter, hoping Trey will have a change of heart or the police will finally catch him. Or I go and possibly ruin my reputation for good, ensuring Trey will dig deeper into his hole.

I glance around at my living room. There is a hollowness to it. This home is empty and I can't stand it any longer. I'll take the risk. If there is anyone else at the bridge, I'll turn around and go home. If it's deserted except for Cole, I'll stay and talk. At least, I might see him one last time.

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