Chapter 23 Fix This

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I wake up in the ambulance and drift in and out as they take me to the hospital. Doctors ask questions, poking me, stretching me out for x-rays. I make myself answer. I hold myself still.

Before almost hitting the oncoming car, I accused Cole of being nothing but trouble. I looked at my bruised body and trembling hands. Eryn would find out I caused an accident and tell her mother. They would tell Trey. Everything I've tried to do in my whole life is broken, and I'm the only one to blame.

The window in my room darkens from blue to orange and then to purple. As I watch, it's turning black. Sharon knocks a knuckle on the door frame and comes straight in, bustling with energy and worry, knocking me back to reality.

She shakes her head. "Dangnabit, babe, you look like hell. Why did you go and have an accident? I told you not to do things like that."

"I know," I say, smiling despite my aches and pains. "Call it my rebellious streak, call it a desperate cry for your undivided attention and love, call it what you will. I screwed up." It's too hard to keep the joke running and as soon as the last words come out of my mouth, it hits me how true they are. I screwed it all up.

Tear sting in my eyes and Sharon slides onto the bed next to me, reaching out her arms. I lean into her hug, grateful.

"My little girl is all grown up. She's finally become a real adult and sees she can't be perfect all the time. You are just as flawed and normal as the rest of us. I'm really glad you didn't get injured, though. Besides that bump on your forehead."

She squeezes me a bit tight and I suck in my breath in pain.

"I'm sorry!" she cries. "Did the seat belt hurt you?" Before I can answer, she's tugging at my hospital gown and peering at my torso. "Yep. I see the stripe. I had one just like it..."

Her voice trails off and I push my gown in place. Her gaze travels up to my face and her expression has changed. "Did someone hit you? Because there's a bruise that's older than the red stripe. Now, I've been around my brothers and their stupid friends for years, and I've seen my share of fights. I've seen those boys the next day, walking around without their shirts on."

I don't say anything. I shake my head weakly and try to look confused.

"Who heck-fire hit you, Jordan? Because I'm going to have to find him. I've got five brothers to help me dispose of the body, all I need is the name."

I swallow, my mouth is dry and I've gone cold.

"The name, now." She's dead serious. She already has her phone out to call her brothers. "Was it that new guy? Cole?"

"No," I gasp. I have to head her off that trail. "You're right. Someone did hit me. Things happened, but I'm all right and it wasn't Cole. Quite the opposite. Please believe me."

She shakes her head. "It was him, I was right. How do you fall in the scum of the earth, like that? You are the sweetest, most wonderful—" Her voice breaks off in an angry grunt. She stands up, lips pressed tight and cheeks flaming. "Where is he now?"

"Sharon, listen to me. If I tell you who really did it, do you promise not to hire your brothers as hit men?"

"Yes. I promise my brothers won't kill him. It will be me who kills the guy."

I take her hand so she'll look at me. I have to tug hard. "Listen. It was Brandon. I drove home the other day and he was there. He started ranting about how he actually loved me all these years and I should be with him. When I didn't go along with it, he punched me. But you can't touch him."

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