Ch. 19 Possibilities

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Cole brings me my coffee as I step out of the shower. Instead of giving it to me, he watches me, a raw tenderness in his expression that has nothing to do with him being weak. It gives me strength. It reminds me that there is one man I can trust. I drop the towel to let him see me, in all my imperfections, old scars, the scattered stretch marks on the sides of my belly. Everything. Even the red patch on my sternum which will be a blue bruise tomorrow.

I let him have all of me. And he covers me in kisses.

The next morning, my alarm goes off entirely too early. I'm dead and wish I could have another two hours of sleep at least. I smack the alarm to turn it off and roll quietly from the bed.

It's empty, and cold. Damn. How did he get up before six-thirty after the things he did to me last night?

I shiver, little flutters coming to life in my chest as I remember how slow and gentle he was, so careful not to hurt me or take things fast.

Not that I mind it rough and fast sometimes, but he treated me as if I was the most precious thing on this planet. Blood stirring and face getting warm with the memories, I head for the closet to get my clothes. The second I step into the hall, the warm aroma of fresh coffee hits and I pause.

I might be in love with this man. It's a real possibility.

I walk quickly down the hall, only brushing the closed door at the top of the stairs with my fingertips as I pass. The kitchen and dining room are empty, so I fill my cup and go outside to look for him.

He's tinkering away with the Ford. All I can see is his very fine ass hugged tight by his ragged jeans sticking out.

I tiptoe over to give him a good swat, and he yelps. There's some cursing and clanging from deep in the hood and then he emerges, growling for a kiss.

"Mmm," I hum, lips pressed to his. "I could start every morning like this. Coffee ready when I wake up, a hot man with his ass in the air, working on my stuff..."

"I should be writing this down, shouldn't I?" he says. He kisses my nose and I remember his hands must be greasy.

"Did you smear me? I have to go to work soon." I dance in a circle, trying to inspect my derrière. He laughs and shakes his head, wiping his hands off on a towel.

"You're clean. I was careful. You're beautiful, in fact." He rubs his nose to mine, and suddenly I'm almost sitting on the edge of my car, his wide body blocking the view of anything else. "Come to think of it, you're too clean. I like to see you get a little dirty this morning."

"Cole, I have to go to work!"

He puts a knee between my legs and I'm instantly wet. This man does things to me that should not be allowed. Even my breasts are tightening and my nipples tingling. He nibbles my neck, creating a dangerous situation where I might spill my coffee or get my pants grungy with car grease. But my pussy clenches at the thought of him moving inside me.

"I love it when you are dirty for me, Jordan," he whispers and runs kisses from my earlobe to my lips. I'm ready to toss my coffee to the ground when he steps back, a sheepish grin on his face. "But I know you have work today."

"You jerk!" I point an accusing finger at him. "You were teasing me this whole time."

"Teasing you? I never tease about bending a lady over the side of a classic car early in the morning. You want proof?" He steps dangerously close again, desire darkening his eyes.

Damn, I'm tempted. My mouth waters for him, I'm so tempted. "Maybe I do."

"Then turn around, and put your hands on the car," he orders. I do as he says, and he takes my coffee to set on the workshop counter. Then, he reaches in front of me and unbuttons my pants. He pulls them quickly down to the ground, panties too, and all the way off. "Spread your legs for me."

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