Forget you ever saw me

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The white of the Anti-Void was a welcoming sight to Error after everything that had gone down mere hours ago. Not only had he failed on deleting another AU (again) but he had been forced to retreat, thus loosing his battle against Ink this time around.

The thing that most annoyed him was the tiredness on his movements. He felt drained of magic and tired, as difficult as that was for him. He just wanted to relax after that fiasco. A nap sounded really nice right at that moment.

Walking over to his bean bag, he looked at it. It was practically screaming his name, calling to him like a mermaid would call out a sailor to eat him alive.

Jeez, that AU was really all kinds of fucked up. It had even messed with his analogies, how annoying.

He let himself drop and sag on the comfortable bean bag, the only luxury he always had on his home. Lazily, he waved his hands, opening a portal to one of his favorite AUs.

"Oh well. Nothing Undernovela won't fix."

Just as he was wondering why no Voices had even attempted to talk to him this time around, his form glitched. He stared at his hands and had the urge to go back to the AU to look for Ink and blast him some more. Maybe even hit the damn artist on the head with a sharp bone over and over. Hard.

So it wasn't enough for the squid to get away with protecting that damned abomination of a place (he would get back to destroying that AU, just... Later), but he also had drained Error to the point his magic reserve was almost empty.

He knew this happened every once in a while, but it felt just as uncomfortable every time. To be forced into another form, the body you're so used to suddenly changed and there being nothing you could do to avoid it. As far as he knew, he was the only one out there with such a condition and that made it all the worse.

He idly watched his error signs, the ones that had given him his very own name and identity, fade away. Instead of the black, glitchy skeleton, there sit a white boned one with a melting eye-socket. His clothing was all white with black sport shorts. If he didn't know any better, Error would say they were identical to Classic's ones. But there was no way a being like him hailed from the original universe, what nonsense.

And yet, looking at the only colorful piece of clothing he had with him, that bright and red scarf around his neck... It made him doubt himself. It was reminiscent of the one the original Papyrus always had with him as part of his 'battle body'. Error always tried to avoid looking at it, but the scarf was eye-catching.

He blamed the monochrome outfit for that.

With a sigh, he resigned himself to the blood that would inevitably trickle down from his mouth. It always happened sooner or later when he got like this, and Error knew he could be stuck in this form for hours at a time. He could have been using this time to blow off some steam, destroying universes, annoying Nightmare or something. But noooo, he had to stay locked on the Anti-Void else he gets confused as a weakling, a pathetic worm ready to be crushed on this abnormal body. The blood certainly didn't help.

Grumpily, he looked at the portal he had opened. Nothing best that his favorite show to cheer himself up, he supposed.

At first, he was half paying attention, half sleeping. But it started getting interesting when Sin and Tori got into an argument. That was one of the reasons Asgoro was clearly the better choice. The pair was on the beach and he noticed Frisk going away to play on the sand somewhere, trusty straw hat on place.

The argument escalated and Tori almost broke things off with Sin, but then there was a tense moment.

"Wait, where's Frisk."

The kid had been kidnapped.


"Yeah, damn" replied Error, but then he froze. He couldn't hear the Voices of the Anti-Void while he was in this form. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

There sat Ink, hidden by the bean bag in his blind spot. The artist had been hidden behind it, so he hadn't noticed him before. And he had the guts of eating chocolate in front of him while lazily waving at Error. He glared at Ink - who was about to do something probably idiotic like try to hug the glitch or something like that - but the artist stopped frozen at the sight of the person in front of him.

"Wait, you're not Error."

Error blinked and deadpanned. No shit. He was Error, but Ink obviously couldn't recognize him while on this form he changed to when he didn't have magic to spare.

"Shit, not again..." the glitch mumbled.

"Again? Have we met before and I just forgot?"

"Not sorry for this, squid."

"Squid... But there's only one person who calls me that. So you ARE Error?!"

Shifting the codes around with skill only achieved by practice, Error deleted some strings of numbers and misplaced others. Ink dropped unconscious in front of him, knocked out. And of course he couldn't use the opportunity to off the artist since he didn't have the power necessary while like this.

Besides, he wasn't comfortable enough to fight the moron in this body. He was clumsy, his movements not feeling quite right. But if there was one good thing about his predicament, was this. While he was in this weird white boned form, he could alter codes easier. Misplace a few memories here and there like nobody's business and no one would even bat an eye.

After all, this wasn't the first time this had happened with how pushy and nosy Ink was.

Ink was known for his faulty memory for a reason.

"Again, not sorry, squid."

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