But I'm half dead, not a zombie!

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This was it. The Multiverse was doomed after so much time it had endured the constant abuse its inhabitants put it through. It had been just a matter of time until there was an event it couldn't survive, wether be it caused by the abuse itself or someone tearing it to pieces in a misguided sense of duty. Hell, even AU plot could affect it, just look at Xtale.

Alas, it hadn't been the mostly ignored but most probable parasitic demon (although it could have been debatable due to the nature of the latest apocalypse crisis and the similarities both shared), nor had it been a destroyer pent upon destruction of entire timelines and alternate universes down to their very core, until nothing was left. It hadn't even been a collapse caused by the mostly ignored and unstable balances that ruled the Multiverse itself.

It had been, however, caused by a pair of curious skeletons that belonged to the neutral party of the Multiverse's shenanigans.

Dust was NOT amused by the fact he had ended up fleeing with said pair instead of with Nightmare's gang, as they had been separated early on and he had had no choice left in the matter. He was sure, however, that Horror was having the time of his life in this particular situation, infected or not.

What better excuse, after all, to eat humans and brutally hunt down monsters than a zombie apocalypse.

"Fucking Sci, I'm going to murder you!"

The cause of this hadn't been the evil destroyer, the parasitic demon or the king of negativity. It had been the chaotic and young Sci the main cause of this. Dust privately thought the terrified expression on Sci's face was well deserved, for he held no sympathy for the Sans that was related to him in a way since it tied into the past of a Classic timeline.

Fuck that. Suffer, asshole.

Reaper didn't seem to like his vicious glee, though. "Hands off, Dust. I'm busy watching your backs and fleeing right now to reap someone. I don't feel like working between so many undeads."

"T-that doesn't reassure me at all, Reaper!"

Dust glared at his companions on this troublesome adventure. How did he end up stuck with the two Sanses at fault for all of this was beyond him. A mad scientist and the God of Death. How unexpected, and yet so cliché his mad mind felt affronted just by principle.

Oh, Dust wasn't an idiot. He had expected things to go to hell for a long time now. But he had imagined it would be because of Ink and that damned balance he liked to ignore so much it may as well not exist. Maybe they would all be doomed by a strike of madness on Error once again. Hell, even the gang's fault by wreaking too much havoc under Nightmare's command.

Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined it would be the flirty skelegod and the nerdiest Sans out there to doom them all.

He found himself missing Horror and Killer by his side on this, even if he was more than sure he would have been exasperated five minutes in this mess with them.

"I'm gonna curse and threaten Sci as much as I damn please" and the once Classic Sans felt justified on this. "You're a God of Death, Reaper! You should know better than to mess with this kind of stuff!"

"W-we were just trying to h-h-help Geno, Dust" stuttered Sci, his fear for his life increasing by the second for multiple reasons. One of those reasons was definitely the murderous Sans out for his blood running away next to him. It made him so nervous he started stuttering a lot and he wondered if he would end up talking like Alphys at this rate. "We didn't think it would end up like this!"

"That's the problem, you DAMN NERD. You didn't think! That's like, your whole thing!"

Reaper glared at Dust for causing a ruckus, annoyed the zombified monsters and humans were noticing them more because of it. Even so, the God of Death was very careful to keep his distance from the two skeletons to the best of his ability. "Enough. We should search somewhere to hide for some time. We need to regain our forces and stamina, regroup. Try to communicate with the rest if possible, too."

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