Error's musings

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Error had seen people writing things down when approaching something curious. Mainly Sci Sanses, but it seemed to carry over to the most efficient iterations of alternates. Why not give it a try, Error mused, and quickly stole a half written journal, tearing the used pages off before thinking of a topic.

Looking around himself was, obviously, not an option. There was only white. The only difference of the continuous landscape was error himself. Which... wasn't a bad idea. He was as good a topic as any, since he was obviously better than the rest.

What made him so awesome? No, too direct, it was uncomfortable to talk about himself like that on paper, and what if Ink ended up seeing it on accident? Oh, hell no.

What set him apart? That may work. Some of the people he encountered while destroying universes liked to call Error things, like destroyer, or soulless (which he wasn't, that was Ink), ruthless, abnormal-

Grinning, Error quickly wrote down the topic in a way that wouldn't be embarrassing if this journal thing was ever found by someone else, as unlikely as it was.

Not normal: what is normal and why are you not?


When talking about what others considered normal, Error was quick to notice that his life was as far from it as one could get. The only other person who could relate that he knew of was maybe the squid, Ink. But even he had normal things, shared by almost everyone, that Error didn’t.

Ink ate food daily, for one, which Error didn’t see the need to. Nutrition wasn’t really all that high on his priority list when in reality he didn’t need it to survive. Error ate chocolate because of habit, honestly, and because the sweet flavor of it stirred deep feelings inside of him, a contentedness, that he wasn’t able to get any other one. It wasn’t because he liked sweets, either. It was just chocolate.

For another, people usually went to sleep too. They had a cycle of sleep and wake hours that helped them function, helped them rest to face the next day. Whether it was actually enough for them to rest properly or not didn’t matter. The fact is that people normally felt the need to sleep at some point, they felt tired after doing things and used it to recover. Heck, some people even saw the need of sleep as a hindrance, but they still did it.

There were other things, of course. A myriad of things that piled up one on another until they could pass as a tower of sorts. His haphephobia was one such thing he always thought set him apart, but Error found it was a small thing in the big scale of things.

Normal people could also have haphephobia, be it for sensitivity issues, mental issues or… Error shuddered. He didn’t want to think about it, it was too gross for him, how despicable some beings could be to another. He killed people, sure, maybe could enjoy messing with his prey to a point, but that was it.

In short, his haphephobia wasn’t usual, per se. But it was still within the borders of normality.

His lack of need to sleep? To eat? To breathe or to socialize with other people? That wasn’t normal.

So, when he kidnapped Blue accidentally in the past because of a mistake on his part while confronting the Papyrus of Underswap? Well. Why not use the opportunity to try and experience some of those labeled as normal things, with a normal Sans as a guide for them?


Error didn't count with the fact that Sanses weren't normal on their own, and Blue less so than most. More like, Error didn't have a reference for normal behavior, so he took everything Blue said at face value, not really caring enough to double check if it was true for most or it was just a Blue thing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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