A headdog comming up!

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Everyone thought they had already seen it all. From murderous psychopaths to a God of Creation that puked ink like nobody's business, from a narcissistic black bones skeleton with a pink feathery boa to a stressed out single parent Death. But nothing, NOTHING, had quite prepared any of them for what awaited them in the near future.

Nightmare's gang had signed a treaty and, because of it, they needed to actually earn money to buy stuff instead of just stealing it.

Moody, everyone decided to keep in contact, starting working together in the same stuff as bodyguards, hitmen and assassins.

It worked for them... For a time.

Horror got bored of the life style and, after telling everyone he wanted a change of career, he disappeared off the radar.

The rest of the Bad Sanses stuck together, forming a group of mercenaries. It was successful and so many wanted their services, that they could demand high payment and only work from time to time.

"I want McDonald's!" Whined Killer after a specially hard mission.

Cross hummed, cleaning his sword in the  backseat, Dust scooting over to his side of the car as much as possible to avoid being skewered like shawarma.

"There's no McDonald's in this city."

Killer gasped, offended, before turning to look to Nightmare. Nightmare's grip on the steering wheel was already tightening, feeling himself getting irritated before Killer even said anything.

"Can we burn this place to the ground?"

"No, Killer."

"Pretty please?"


Dust snorted, rolling his eye lights. "I think I saw a Burger King a couples blocks back."

"It's not the same."

"Well, too bad" scowled the negativity Guardian. "It's either that or food at home. It's your Dust's turn to cook."

Killer, if possible, paled. Dust was many things, but a good cook was not one of them. He knew when to pick his battles, so off to Burger King they went.


What the group of four wasn't expecting to see, was a familiar face behind the counter to take their orders. A blood stained, hole in the skull and all, kind of familiar.

Cross gulped. "Horror?!"

Horror tutted at them, waving his finger in a chiding motion. "It's Manager Horror for you, Cross. Now, what do you want ta eat?"

"You're in charge of this place?" asked Nightmare skeptically, watching how... Clean, everything was. Blood free. "How unusual."

"Oooh. Horror, can you say that whole speech Burger King always says? The one about the customer being the King, since we'll be paying?"

Horror deadpanned at him, his red eye light staring at Killer as if he had grown up another head.

"Whatever do you mean? I'm the king, bow to me!"

Cross snorted at Killer's betrayed face, while Dust muttered something along the lines of that feeling familiar. Nightmare could feel himself getting flustered. He didn't sound like that back in the day, did he?

"Horror, stop" said Dust. He just wanted his food, he was tired!

"So, this is what you meant by pursuing another career?"

"Yup" beamed Horror, at ease. He seemed happy.

Cross shuddered. He had learnt not to trust that kind of expression on the Horrotale Sans, he could swear he was having flashbacks-

"I'm more worries now about my well being and mental health around him than when he was a murderous psychopath killing people for food."

Horror blinked at Cross, baffled. "Who says I still don't do that? Meat is expensive."



Nightmare sighed, pinching his nasal bone. "Idiots."

Horror working at Burger King? A horrible idea, truly. Whoever thought giving Horror the position of manager was acceptable was a moron

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