A kiss makes all the difference

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@Cel_is_a_girl and @TheVoidIsMyHome , here is this chapter fo the both of you XD.

@Cel_is_a_girl and @TheVoidIsMyHome , here is this chapter fo the both of you XD

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The fight had been way too long and exhaustion was starting to show on everyone's expressions. It wasn't just the Star Sanses that were exhausted as it usually was, since they were less in number and Blueberry mostly did whatever he wanted. This time, the Bad Sanses hadn't been expecting the fight and had been forced to retreat.

They were injured from previous encounters. After all, the Star Sanses wasn't the only group they butted heads with, they also had to take into account the other groups that were trying to seize the Multiverse for their own. A battle of multiple fronts.

This AU was supposed to be safe, it wasn't the first time they had come here for supplies as it was mostly forgotten by everyone else. While people in there knew about AUs, they didn't go out to interact with the rest. It seems like this time they were out of luck.

Nightmare swore under his breath. He knew they weren't in a state fit to fight anyone, but they needed the healing items and food desperately. In his desperation, they had been reckless as well. At least they had Error covering for them, as if the glitch hadn't tagged along there was no way they could hold on a fight against a raging God of Creation fueled by red paint and determination. 

Blue was back with the two fighting Gods, he wasn't even sure on what side anymore. If he had to say anything in the matter, it would be that Blue was on the side more money would get him. The little blue skeleton had the guts to congregate some of the local monsters and humans and start a betting pool.

It was good for them, since it meant that the two Star Sanses wouldn't follow them any time soon, but even then... It wasn't a long term solution. Dream was way too near for comfort, they couldn't risk opening a portal back to their base without compromising their location, and that wasn't a viable option.

That place was more than their hung out. It was where Killer first regained his emotions, where Dust finally opened up about his issues and tried reaching out, where Cross had his melt down about being the cause of the death of everyone else on his AU. The place where Horror underwent physical therapy after years of starvation. The place where Error found solace away from his forced job.

The place Nightmare considered home.

And there was no way in hell he would let his twin brother ruin that for him, not after all he went through to get where he was.

If he were to look back on it later, Nightmare would admit it wasn't his proudest moment. There was a logical reason behind the impulse, but maybe it wasn't the time nor the way to let Killer, who's legs were injured and had to be carried around by his tentacles in their get away, how he truly felt about him. 

But in the heat of the moment, and with Dream gaining ground, he just yelled.

"Killer! I need you to kiss me senseless!"

"Uh, Boss?!" the skeleton with the goopy eyes cried, alarmed. Surely he hadn't heard well? But even if he had- "I don't think right now is the time for-"

"JUST DO IT!" Shouted Nightmare, half desperate for the other to say as he did. And they needed Killer to do it NOW.

"Okay, here goes nothing!"

And Killer did. Nightmare stumbled, but the feeling of foreign magic surrounding his senses, that slightly metallic edge and that tinge of corruption that always emanated from the other, he almost fell right there and then. Trembling, he let a slight whine when Killer separated their lips, seemingly done. Nightmare kept running as fast as he was previously doing, but went back chasing the other and startling Killer.

Somewhere behind them, Dream choked on air, a bright yellow blush covering his whole face and part of his neck, his joints lighting up slightly. The younger twin wasn't as agile as his corrupted brother and started falling behind.

That was all the opening needed for Cross to whack the Guardian of Positivity with the blunt edge of his knife / sword and get away from him. 

Once Nightmare considered they were far enough, he quickly opened a portal with everyone going through, back to their home. 

Dust was out of breath, while Cross was jumping around him in an adrenaline rush asking the other if he saw how cool he looked back then. Killer stared at Nightmare, who was squirming in place. 

The Guardian of Negative feelings let the injured skeleton down gently, with care that was very uncharacteristic of him if one didn't know how Nightmare truly was. He offered Killer a slice of pie he managed to snatch before that sudden ambush, enough to let the other recover the mobility of his legs again.

After a hesitant step in Nightmare's direction, Killer was quick to throw himself at Nightmare once again, making out in their lawn.

'Heh', Nightmare thought, breaking the kiss and ushering everyone inside. He broke a blue string he kept in his hoodie to let Error know it was safe to come back and then stopped a moment before entering the house. Nightmare smirked, remembering Dream's gasp and Killer's demanding kiss. 'Works every time.'

Back on the AU, Error was taunting the God of Creation before opening a portal to the Anti-Void and fleeing the place. Casting a quick look to the Guardian of Positive feelings before closing the portal, Error snickered. Kudos to Nightmare for using the twin's connection in such a way.

Dream stood on the floor, dazed and with a far away look on his eyes that were enough to tell he wasn't all there. What was that, he thought, before getting back his bearings and looking around himself in an effort to spot the fleeing Sanses. No luck.

"Nightmare, that's cheating!"

He kept complaining while Ink was yelling "Error! Come back here and fite me!"

Blue just collected his money, gleefully counting all the Gold he got. So worth it. He might even have enough for his date with Error later!

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