15 (Party 1/3)

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Hey!! 😄

At party venue:
At 4:00 pm:

As soon as Taehyung entered at the party venue totally dressed up for the party, his eyes found Jin who was giving instructions to everyone about what to do. Anyone can clearly say that he was working hard since morning bcoz of his appearance right now. Jin was holding a writing pad in which he was keeping the tracks of the the preparations that he has to do and which are already done. The T-shirt he was wearing that time is looking dirty, and bcoz it's white it doesn't help either. Jin was just roaming here and there, yelling at everyone but helping them too and his face is showing clear distress.

His face is showing that he is nervous. And bcoz of nervousness he is unconsciously nibbling at the pen he is holding.

He looks cute.

Taehyung subconsciously started smiling softly.

Reluctantly Taehyung looked away from Jin and checked the party venue. Instantly his eyes widened and jaw clenched after seeing the preparations.

He stormed towards Jin and pulled him towards him.

"Oww!" Jin winced.

"What is this?" Taehyung asked Jin getting angry.

Jin first freed his hand from Taehyung's hold and then rubbed his arms where Taehyung just hold him so hardly and looked at Taehyung confused.

"What's wrong?" Jin asked confused.

"What's wrong?! Everything is wrong. It's 4 already and the preparations are still not done." Taehyung said angrily and massaged his head.

"Calm down sir. It's just 4. We still have three hours, the guest arriving time is 7pm." Jin said distractedly. As Jin again started looking at the preparations.

Taehyung looked at him with raised brows. "We only have 1 hour." Taehyung said to Jin like Jin is going insane.

Then Jin looked at him wide eyed, "What?" he nearly screamed.

Taehyung shook his head in disbelief and said, "So you forgot this also. Like the way you forgot to invite them at first place."

"Forgot? But nobody to-" Jin was saying something but got cut when all the office employees came at venue together.

Lisa looked around and get happy when she saw that her plan is working.

When she saw TaeJin together and she can see that Taehyung is angry, she went towards them.

"Jin what is this? The preparations are nearly half done." Lisa said fake worriedly.

Jin was still confuse.

"Sir, but guest were coming at 7, right?" Jin asked Taehyung worriedly.

"No. They said that they are free at 5 and Lisa told you too. But you forgot." Taehyung said annoyed.

Jin looked at Taehyung confused, bcoz Lisa told him what? When?! Why doesn't he remember?!

"When?!" Jin asked looking at Lisa.

Lisa just rolled her eyes and act confidently.

"It doesn't even matter now. Just work fast and complete your work already." Lisa said dismissing Jin question.

"But how? The preparations are not half done and they will be here in 50-55 minutes. We don't have that much of time now." Taehyung said worriedly.

Jin chewed at his bottom lip. He really doesn't know that but right now it's not the right time to defend himself. It's matter of their pride.

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