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Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Taehyung's behaviour. They were interesting to know. I didn't reply on them bcoz I couldn't tell who is right hehe.

There will be many time-skips in this story from this chapter. Till now the whole story was just about 3 months or few days of their life, now there will be many time-skips.

Jin didn't return Taehyung's hug but he let Taehyung hug him.

"Don't ever speak about yourself like that again. I don't like it." Taehyung warned him.

Jin scoffed, "As if I love it. But what can I do when you made me feel like that?" his voice breaks at last.

Taehyung tightened his hold around Jin, "I am sorry baby. I never thought my actions will make you feel like that. I was trying to do everything right but I messed up. I am sorry." he apologized to Jin sincerely.

"What right thing?" Jin asked confused.

Taehyung broke the hug, "Come here."

He took Jin to the bed and made him comfortably sit on his lap. He hugged him close and whispered during nosing on his shoulder, "I have a reason because of which I don't want us to have sex anytime soon. But I didn't thought me avoiding it will hurt you like this."

"It's not about that. I mean I do want to do it with you, but it's more than that. I am more hurt because I don't know the reason for you to behave like this. We were teasing each other before our marriage about these things, I could feel that you were looking forward for us getting intimate too. But suddenly you don't want it. Why? I don't understand the reason. You are not telling me, you are just avoiding me when I am making advances. It doesn't make me feel good. It makes me feel unwanted. And I don't wanna feel that you don't want me, it hurts me." Jin said tears falling from his eyes.

Taehyung hugged him close, "I am sorry baby. So sorry. But I do want you. God! I want you so much that I can't even explain. But I am helpless baby. I can't act on my want even if I am dying too."

"Why? You want me, I want you. Then, what's wrong?" Jin asked him confused blinking at him, finally his tears stopping, feeling a little better after hearing Taehyung's words.

Taehyung sighed, "I didn't wanted to tell you this as I thought you will only get more worried. But I guess I'm still making you worried so...."

He then take out his phone, opened something and gave it to Jin.

Jin took it curiously and found messages. They were Dr.Jieun's texts.

First one was around the date when they went for a bike ride.

Mr.Kim though I have told you that Jin needs more care with the passing time. But still I think it will be safe if we will do some tests on him, and then I will tell you what's good and bad for his health. You can change his living habits according to that for the remaining months. So, I advice you to bring him here soon.

"You remember how you felt dizzy when you came down from the bike. I just couldn't let that go, I was worried. So,I asked her. First she said that it's normal in your case as she have already told that your condition is not so healthy.

But then she decided to do some tests. That's why I take you to her.

After those reports she said that with the increasing time you are just getting more weak and you need more care. Any stress, strenous exercises, travel,etc.. are not good for you.

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