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This chapter is the most angst filled chapter of this story till now😔.

At Taehyung's house:
At 11pm:

It's 11pm when Taehyung came back to his house.

He is tired both mentally and physically.

He couldn't sleep comfortably last night bcoz of which his body is aching and then so many things happen today that made him pissed off.

He wanted to be in his office so that he can work and he don't have unwanted thoughts but on the other hand he doesn't wants to be in office, bcoz that office reminded him the most unwanted thoughts.

After battling with his mind for so long when he felt that he is going to pass out bcoz of tiredness he decided to come back to his home.

When he came inside his house, he met with silence. He knew that his mother must be sleeping.

So, the first thing that he did is that he went to his mother room. When he find her sleeping peacefully in her bed he gave her a light peck on her forehead.

He then came outside her room and softly closed the door behind him, so that his mother doesn't wake up.

He then tiredly went to his room.

When he found his room unlocked he gets confused.

'Maybe I forgot to lock the door today.' he thought and shrugged.

He went inside his room, and took off his coat.

The room lights were off but he knows his room very well and from the little light coming from outside his room he took pajama and a shirt from his cupboard to change for night and directly went to take a much needed shower.

After fifteen minutes when he came outside the bathroom drying his hair from a towel he felt that something moving in his bed.

He raised his brow thinking what it could be.

When he again felt something moving he kept the towel in the couch beside him and went closer to his bed.

He still didn't turn on the lights but he squinted his eyes to adjust in dark and to have a better look at what is it in his bed.

His eyes widened when he found Jin sleeping peacefully in his bed, snuggling in his blanket like a baby. His face is calm and he has a small smile in his face clearly showing that he is having a best sleep of his life.

Taehyung gets confused that how can Jin be here, then he shook his head thinking about yesterday night. And thought that maybe he is imagining things again.

So, he blinked his eyes once,twice,thrice and again looked at Jin to see that if he is still there.

And Jin was still there sleeping peacefully.

Taehyung then thought of touching Jin and to confirm is Jin is really there.

He slowly and hesitantly stretched his hand to touch Jin's face. When his hand was just few centimeters away from Jin's face suddenly Jin open his eyes.

Taehyung frozed.

Jin with blurry eyes bcoz of sleep and darkness in room couldn't figure out who the person is but with his sleepy mind he can only think of one thing, that the person is thief and is about to kill him.

Jin screamed in fear,stood up and started hitting Taehyung from the pillow thinking that Taehyung is thief.

"You thief, what were you trying to do huh?! Kill me?! Wait, I will show you now what mistake you have done choosing my house for your filthy work." Jin kept cursing and hitting Taehyung thinking that he is thief.

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