Elizabeth sat criss-cross on her bed as Cassidy paced the room mumbling furiously. "Who the hell does that boy think he is? Commenting about stuff he doesn't know about! What an absolute wanker! I should've hexed him into the next merlin-dammed century." She had been doing this for quite some time. Elizabeth's eyes, trained on the white shoes as they make their way from one side of the room to the other creating scuff marks on the deep blue carpet she had bought two summers before.
Dorcas, who sat cuddled up with Elizabeth on the bed, leaned over and whispered "I'm sorry Cassidy hexed him, I know you don't want that kind of attention right now." She ran a comforting hand down the girl's arm, a small gesture that had the power to calm Elizabeth down greatly. Dorcas was always a comforting presence, maybe a little wacky, but somehow still always offered the girl a sense of security.
"Oh don't worry about it, he did deserve it," she replied. "Cass did me justice honestly." Elizabeth liked justice. She liked loyalty as well. First-year when sorted the hat had told her that she was almost a Hufflepuff, but her yearning to learn new things was too strong to be ignored and overpowered her immense loyalty.
Elizabeth was thankful for this because she surely would've been kicked out of her house if she came home as a Hufflepuff. The Slytherins who made up her family did not care much for Hufflepuffs, thought they were idiotss. Of course, Elizabeth knew this wasn't true, but still, she grew up believing Slytherins and Hufflepuffs were incapable of getting along well. (She did find this idea funny by the second year though when she realized that many Slytherins do get along well with Hufflepuffs. In fact, Hufflepuff and Slytherin's friendships were some of the strongest cross-house friendships she had seen during her time at Hogwarts.)
"Merlin's beard," continued Cassidy, as she seemed unwilling to stop her rant, "I just, I just can't comprehend how much of an absolute arse that boy is."
Elizabeth told Dorcas the truth, she did appreciate what her friend had done, but now the isolophilia in her was kicking in, she just wanted some peace and quiet and Cassidy was making this really difficult. "I'll see you guys later okay," she said standing up, gathering her wand and a few books into her tote bag as she spoke, "think I need to be alone for a while, do some reading."
The two other girls nodded as calmly as they could, keeping their cool until Elizabeth left the room. Then they squealed. She was doing something. She wasn't laying in bed, or moping around, she was going to do something.
"Maybe we outta thank Potter," Dorcas teased. Sadly, Cassidy's anger had yet to wear off and this comment sent her on, yet another, rant about men in general that Dorcas tuned out as she opened up her newest edition of the quibbler.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth made her way to the library. She didn't realize it yet, but she was feeling better. She didn't notice the lack of exhaustion that had been present for weeks before and, if anything, she felt more energized with each step. A passion that had been missing now showed its head again and she suddenly couldn't wait to go to the library and read her Herbology homework. She didn't even like Herbology that much but the tug was back. The tug to learn something new. It was gone, but now. Now, it's back.
With a little more pep in her step, she walked down the library isles until spotting the book she needed. Unfortunately for her, she couldn't seem to reach the book. She was about to fish her wand out of her tote bag to cast a levitation spell when another hand came up and grabbed the book, handing it down to her. "Thank you," she commented before looking up, "oh... it's you."
Her brown eyes met his, and James gave her a shy smile as she took the book from his hands and began to walk away in the opposite direction. "Elizabeth, wait! Please!" He said walking after her, she tried to speed up, but his strides were much bigger than hers, and caught up quickly. Latching his hand onto her arm, a light grip, but one she couldn't escape, he was able to stop her for a moment. Now stuck, she turned and looked up at him with an annoyed expression, raising her eyebrows as if to say 'Get on with it, Potter.'
"Well, it's just that," he started. He noticed that her stare remained at the place where his hand held onto her arm and quickly let go, putting both hands in his pocket as to avoid fidgeting with them. "I just wanted to say that I am sorry. I didn't know."
He looked up at her face in an attempt to gauge her response. To most people, Elizabeth is a hard person to read, but James somehow managed to know exactly what she was thinking right then. "I forgive you," she finally responded. Her eyes met his for the second that she spoke this before returning to the book on the shelf whose spine she had read maybe 14 times over since this conversation started. Elizabeth wasn't scared of him or anything, its just that people make her nervous sometimes.
""...But?" he asked, knowing there was more she wanted to say, maneuvering his head to try and meet her gaze. Shy as he was when talking to her, James was still a Gryffindor. He still had some of that Gryffindor courage and plus he just really liked looking into her eyes.
He felt his heart skip a beat when she met his eyes again to say, "But watch yourself, Potter." And with that, she walked away from him. He watched as she pulled her wand out of her tote bag, before using it to twirl her hair up into a bun.
Now how am I really gonna get him back? Elizabeth thought to herself as she walked away.
Yea, she forgave him, she appreciated that he knew he was in the wrong. But, she also wanted to get him back. (Not as badly, of course, for she wouldn't wish emotional pain like that upon anyone.) Elizabeth was really good at being passive-aggressive, discrete revenge was her specialty, and James Potter may be in for a treat. Maybe a big shot to his huge ego would do him some good.
And Elizabeth knew just who to go to.
Severus Snape.
Hey guys! For when Elizabeth uses her wand to hold her hair up this is what I imagine it to look like, just replace the pencil with a wand!
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Anyway, who's excited to see Snape!
I'm in a great mood right now because someone commented on my story and omg it makes me feel so cool and I love to know that at least someone is enjoying it!