𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓

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       Y/N and Miles woke up to a very stormy morning. Miles got up and took a shower. When he got out, Y/N was not in the room.

"Y/N?" Miles said, walking down the dark halls.

"I'm in the study room!" she shouted.

When he walked in she was with Kate and Flora.

"Hey," Miles said while sitting by Y/N, putting his arm around her.

"Good morning Miles," Y/N said.

She kissed his cheek.

"How'd you sleep?" he asked.

"Could've been better without the storm, how about you?" she said.

"I slept fine," Miles said.

"So, what are the plans for today?" Kate asked.

"Well I was gonna take Y/N and I riding on Samson, but it's storming," Miles said.

"Maybe we can go into town, pick up some stuff?" Kate asked.

"Yeah um Flora doesn't leave the property," Y/N replied.

"How about we watch some movies," Flora suggested.

"Yeah that's a cool idea Flora," Kate exclaimed.

"Miles and I are going to go hang out upstairs," Y/N said while getting up and taking Miles hand.

"Okay," Kate said.

Miles and Y/N went upstairs.

"What would we need to go into town for?" Y/N asked.

"No idea, again weirdo, she's trying to kill us," Miles said.

"Miles, she is not trying to kill us, stop being dramatic," Y/N begged.

"I'm just saying," Miles said.

"You're cute when your mad," Y/N said while staring at him.

"Well your cute all the time," Miles said, walking over to her.

"Oh really?" Y/N said while putting the blanket over her on the bed.

"Yes really," Miles said climbing over her.

They started kissing.

"MILESS," Flora said running through the door. "Ew what are you guys doing?" Flora asked disgusted.

"Mouth exercises," Miles said with a smirk, getting off Y/N.

"Okay well Kate needs you downstairs, now," Flora said.

"Okay we will be there in a minute, close the door on your way out," Miles answered.

Flora walked out closing the door behind her.

"Well let's go down," Y/N said annoyed.

"Wait, can we finish this?" Miles asked .

"No, we have to go downstairs, Kate asked us too," Y/N said.

"Fine, but you owe me one babygirl," Miles said while getting off the bed.

Y/N just smiled at him, getting off the bed too. They both walked downstairs.

"Hi Kate," Y/N said.

"What took you guys so long," Kate asked.

"They were doing mouth exercises," Flora said.

"What?" Kate said.

"Um it was nothing," Miles said innocently while looking at Y/N.

"Miles was on top of Y/N and they kept kissing each other," Flora explained.

"Oh," Kate said while looking at Miles and Y/N with a stern face.

"What did you need us for?, Y/N questioned.

"Right, I saw someone in the hallways, does someone else live here?" Kate said.

"Nope just us," Miles said.

"Oh okay," Kate said.

"Can we go play dolls now?" Flora asked.

"Yes, go get the house ready, I need to talk to Y/N and Miles in private real quick," Kate said.

Y/N looked at Miles confused. He shrugged his shoulders. Flora skipped out of the room.

"Please tell me Flora did walk in on you know," Kate said.

"Ew Kate no," Y/N said.

"Okay, but you guys are using protection right?" Kate asked.

"Ew Kate just stop please, we havent even done it," Miles said.

"Okay, you can go now," Kate said while walking out of the room.

Y/N and Miles sprinted upstairs laughing.

"Did she actually think," Miles said laughing.

"I know right, but what was that about that person in the hallways?" Y/N asked.

"I don't know but like I said again for the millionth time, she's delusional," Miles said.

"I actually think so too, this time," Y/N replied.

"There's no one else here, unless there's a ghost," Miles said while he started tickling Y/N.

"Miles stoppp," Y/N said through laughter.

"No, it's funny," Miles said laughing.

Miles stopped and hugged Y/N.

"You know, your laugh is adorable," Miles said, still hugging Y/N.

"You know, your laugh is adorable too," Y/N responded.

They both stopped hugging and laid together, holding each other.

"We really have to start locking that door," Miles said. making them both laugh.

"Or teach her how to knock," Y/N said.

"Maybe we should just do both," Miles laughed.

"Miles?" Y/N said.

"Yes?" Miles replied.

"Can you play something for me, like on your guitar or drums?" Y/N asked.

"Of course baby," Miles said and started smiling.

He got up and grabbed his guitar. He sat next to Y/N and starting playing. He played very calmly. Y/N always loved hearing him make music either playing his guitar, drums, or singing. Music was the first thing Miles and Y/N ever did together. When she came over to do a group project, he started strumming his guitar. He sounded so perfect to her. He always thought he sucked, of course Miles making the bad out of everything. Nothing was going to stop her from loving him though.

Word Count: 870 words

Quick A/N: I'm sorry this chapter was so long. Thanks for all of you who kept reading till here though.

𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖘~𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖊𝖘 𝖋𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉Where stories live. Discover now