Chapter Two

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Avengers - P.O.V

Tony Stark was hovering in his newly upgraded suit undetected with a perfect view of the newly discovered Hydra base, hidden in plain sight at the edge of a snowy forest, on the other side of which was a quiet unsuspecting town which had no idea of the base's existence.

"What's it look like up there Stark?" Captain America's voice sounded through the earpiece from on the ground. Tony quickly scanned the building, some of it was concealed with walls too thick for the sensors to penetrate, but simply from what he could see from even just the main floor...

"Looks like a lot of hostiles Cap, probably a whole lot more deeper in the compound. They have a hell of a lot of weaponry in there, that should give us an idea of what we're dealing with," He replied, whilst watching the heat signatures of two guards idly pacing outside the entrance, kicking stones across the ground. He scoffed. "We're lucky though- they literally have no idea that we're here."

"Aw that's a shame" Natasha's smooth voice came through the coms. "I was looking forward to a good fight." Captain Rogers chuckled.

"Come on, Nat. It won't stay like this- when is it ever easy for us?" He quizzed. Above the team on the ground, Tony rolled his eyes, but remained focused on the building below.

"What's the plan guys?" Clint asked. "I'm freezing my ass off here." There was an audible 'thump' over the coms as Nat shoved him into a tree. "Ow- Nat! What the fu-"

"Language!" Tony and Rogers said simultaneously; Tony laughed while Steve shook his head and sighed. 'Sometimes it's like working with children,' he thought to himself.

"Seriously though guys- This is what we're gonna do." Tony began. "Rogers, I'm gonna blow a hole in that entrance and I want you to go in and take out the immediate hostiles, Nat, leave no stone unturned, look in all the rooms, we want intel, anything you can get your hands on, you too Clint follow her, watch her back. I'll-" Tony suddenly stopped what he was saying, completely startled by the forceful opening of the entrance doors sending the two pacing guards flying; out of the building came a figure running at top speed, somehow sparking in the darkness..? 'I definitely didn't expect that,' he mused to himself.

"What's going on Tony?" Steve asked, his shield raised at the ready. FRIDAY managed to notify Tony of the rapid ticking of explosives in the munition room, which meant he had just enough time to yell 'GET DOWN!' before-


After the explosion there was a ringing in everyone's ears as they struggled to their feet; Tony had been forced backward by the force of the explosion and slowly made his way back to assess the damage. The building was now crumbling in on itself, flames of all colours already roaring from the inside. 'Must have had some serious chemicals in there,' he thought to himself grimly. It didn't look like anyone could have survived that. After a moment of shocked silence, Steve's voice sounded through the coms.

"I'll check for survivors." His voice loud over the coms.

"I think I found someone," Nat informed them. "They must have gotten out just before the explosion."

"Clint, you help Rogers, we'll sort this guy out," Tony said, shooting off to Black Widow's position.

"Stark, I don't know what this is but I don't like it." Nat mumbled. Tony landed next to her, a few meters away from the figure, and realized what she was talking about. The figure was a woman, collapsed on the ground from the force of the explosion; wild and messy golden brown hair, dressed in some sort of thin hospital gown- and bolts of what looked like lightning coming out of her, jumping across her skin. They could hear the electrical buzz from where they stood. "She's pretty badly injured, too." They glanced at each other, uncertain, and slowly began to move toward her.

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