Chapter Twenty Two

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Nova's P.O.V.

I surprised both Bruce and myself with the rate at which I recovered; the day after I woke up I was able to walk around and my condition noticeably improved, by that night I felt well enough to make my way to my own room but Bruce insisted I stay in the med bay just in case. The burning sensation had by then gone completely and I spent the morning with Bucky, who listened proudly as I recounted my visit from Fury and my new title of 'Avenger'. By midday I was feeling completely recovered, walking through the doors to the room where the rest of the team gathered with a wide smile on my face.

"Don't panic, I'm back," I announced. "I know how much you struggle to cope without me." Tony laughed loudly, standing up to put his arms around me.

"Glad to see you've escaped, I bet you were going stir crazy down there," I chuckled and nodded.

"You have no idea, but the visitors I've had did help... Anyway I'm ready to do Avenger stuff, what's my first mission?" My eagerness was too obvious and I saw Nat try to hide her smile as Clint laughed. Steve stood up and approached me with his arms folded.

"Well it's funny you should ask," He began. "It just so happens that your first mission is already planned for whenever you're ready, and you're with me." I grinned wide in excitement.

"I'm ready to go! I know you told me my first missions will be surveillance, which sounds boring, but I'm gonna be helping defeat Hydra anyways, right?" My optimism caused Tony to smile.

"You need more patience for surveillance Sparks, sometimes it requires staying still for hours," He chuckled, causing my optimism to falter for just a moment before I rose to the challenge.

"I will be so still and quiet, Steve will think I've become a statue."

"You've just come out of the med bay and you're so ready for this mission, but you haven't been told where or what you're surveilling." Clint chuckled.

"Just tell me," I responded looking at them expectantly.

"Well," Tony began, bringing up an image of a familiar location. "You remember that Hydra base you escaped from and blew up?" My heart sank slightly, but I was more confused than full of dread like they had expected.

"Wait, why's there another building there?" I asked, looking at the new structure. "Why would they build over somewhere that was already destroyed?"

"We think it's because of how unlikely it is," Tony explained while showing me more photographs. "I mean who would think to check somewhere they've already destroyed? It obviously was effective because we only recently figured it out, giving them enough time to set up whatever this is." I turned away from the pictures.

"So, the mission is to watch and retrieve any information we can find out about it?"

"Yes, essentially that's it," Steve confirmed. "But we must also be vigilant, we can't be seen or heard or we'll have a fight on our hands." I nodded, taking it all in.

"Okay, I'm ready." I responded and Tony took me by the arm to guide me to another room.

"If you're going on a mission you're gonna need the right gear." He opened the door and we walked to the far wall. " I've taken the liberty of making you a suit- It's made of a woven metal, light and thin enough to feel like normal clothing, but better for you so you can conduct that electricity over your entire body efficiently in case someone gets a hold of you." I looked in awe as in front of us was displayed a bodysuit, not too different from Natasha's, completely black with straps ready to hold weapons and a silver buckle engraved with a lightning bolt on a leather belt. "It might not look like much, but we can change it later on if you want-"

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