Chapter Six

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Avengers - P.O.V

"She passed out? Is she ok?" Nat questioned, a hint of concern coloring her voice. Steve, exhausted, ran a hand through his now messy hair and nodded.

"Her condition seems to be stable but she's completely out cold." Sighing, he turned to Thor. "I don't think she can take much more of this- anyone can see she's getting worse. She is not just another Hydra experiment, we have to take the risk. If Loki can help her, bring him here. He can stay in that cell so he can't escape until he's helped us- It might even redeem him a bit in my eyes at least." Thor stood up from the small chair he was in and stretched.

"I can leave immediately if you would like," They looked to Tony for conformation, but he didn't even turn to face them, just nodded slightly. Thor immediately turned and exited the room, leaving it in total silence, which was only broken a few minutes later when Nat spoke.

"This is the right thing to do Tony, if this works, we can save Nova and get whatever she knows about Hydra." Tony just put his hand up to stop any more speaking.

"I don't want to think about it, it's probably going to end up in tears. Most likely my own." He mused. "In any case, I seriously need a drink." With that, he exited the surveillance room, making a beeline for the closest room that contained alcohol. Nat glanced at Steve and then at Clint, who checked the screen where he could see Nova still unconscious on the floor with Bruce sitting just outside the cell keeping an eye on her.

"They'll be fine, I could do with a drink or two," He muttered, standing up to follow Tony. Nat rolled her eyes but was already right behind him, ready for doubles after what they'd just decided on; Steve accompanied them, really wishing that his metabolism would permit the alcohol to at least relax him just this once.

Not three drinks later it felt as though the helicarrier rumbled and became unsteady for a moment, after which the Avengers made their way to the landing strip as though on autopilot; the sounds of Thor's arrival now recognizable to them. Upon stepping outside they could immediately see the familiar tall, raven-haired figure, standing with his arm in Thor's vice-like grip, heavy metal shackles and chains keeping him from running, and a muzzle on his face to keep him from talking, much to Tony's amusement.

"Reindeer games," He greeted with a smirk, at which Loki rolled his eyes so hard you could almost hear it. "I hope we're in agreement about what's going to happen here? Did you tell him what's gonna happen?" He turned to Thor who nodded.

"Of course, he should be no trouble. He will help the girl and then we shall return to Asgard immediately after. I managed to bribe him mostly by offering to convince father to give him his chambers as his confinement instead of the dungeons. He doesn't like to be stared at by the other prisoners down there." Tony laughed at that and clapped his hands together, ignoring Loki's scowl.

"Perfect, the less time he's here the better, I hope daddy gives him his bedroom back-" He was cut off by a hard shove from Steve who had stepped forward to mediate the situation.

"Tony please, he's supposed to be here to help us. You acting like a child and antagonizing him will hardly make him want to cooperate."

"Yeah enough talk," Nat butted in and turned to walk back into the building. "Let's get this done quickly so there's less chance of us killing each other." The rest wordlessly agreed and followed her; Thor was the last to enter with Loki in tow, a mischievous twinkle in his emerald eyes.

"What in God's name is he doing here!?" Director Fury fumed, after walking down the corridor to find the god of mischief in his helicarrier. Tony threw his hands up and kept walking, not wanting to explain something he didn't even want to be a part of. Scowling, Fury turned his anger to Steve who chuckled nervously.

"Honestly sir it is a long story, I promise you I will update you on everything that's going on after, and I swear that we have everything under control." Fury glared at him for a long moment, before pointing a finger at the Captain's chest.

"You're lucky I trust you slightly more than the others." He grumbled. "I will want a full report. But if anything, and I mean anything, goes wrong, I will hold you all fully accountable."

"Yes sir." Fury turned on his heel and left the way he came, muttering to himself under his breath. Steve jogged to catch up with the others, and by the time he reached them they'd already entered the cell room, where Bruce stood watching Loki apprehensively; who himself almost seemed amused at their discomfort. Thor finally removed the muzzle from his brother's face, who immediately reached up with his shackled hands to rub his jaw.

"Was that truly necessary, brother?" He snapped. "Of course, you wouldn't know how uncomfortable it is."

"I am sorry brother, but it was necessary," Thor explained. "It would have been much more difficult to sneak you out of Asgard if you could speak." Loki looked extremely insulted but was interrupted before he could say another word.

"I'm sorry- You broke him out of prison to get him here?" Tony asked in disbelief, but Thor nodded happily.

"Of course! And it went perfectly, no one saw us leave- except Heimdall but he owed me a favor, he should keep it secret for a little while at least." Tony just rubbed his brow, extremely stressed, and turned away to go and stand by himself for a moment. Nat stepped forward and spoke to Loki directly.

"I hope you know that you aren't forgiven for your actions the last time you were here." She stated, looking him in the eye; for a moment he just stared back, but then looked away.

"I never imagined that I was," He responded quietly, before locking eyes with her again. "But I would not be here if I had decided to refuse to provide the help you so desperately need." Nat was about to shoot back something rude, Steve could tell, so he placed a hand on her shoulder and guided her away.

"We're aware of that, Loki, and we're grateful that you are willing to help, but you can't deny that we have many reasons why we feel we shouldn't trust you," Steve explained. "Invading us with aliens and killing people isn't something we're gonna forget anytime soon." Loki nodded as though to say 'fair enough'.

"I understand. But I'm afraid that this time you simply have no choice but to trust me." Loki replied, with a smile that didn't make Steve feel any better at all. He didn't have a chance to say anything else as Thor clapped his hands together loudly, causing all eyes to meet him.

"I think we should send Loki in now, the sooner he helps her the sooner I can take him back," Steve nodded and motioned for Natasha to open the cell door. "Father won't be happy with this as it is, the shorter our visit to Midgard the better." Thor muttered and grabbed Loki by the arm again as he pulled him into the cell, taking out a set of keys and unlocking the shackles from his wrists and ankles before quickly leaving and closing the door behind him.

"What about this?" Loki exclaimed angrily, pointing at the engraved metal collar that Thor had left around his neck.

"Ah, that is something new that will ensure you don't do anything you're not supposed to do," Thor explained brightly. "If you try anything, that collar will shock you so badly that you will not be able to move for twenty minutes- I tried it, it's horrible." Loki looked rather unsettled but still managed to scoff at Thor's comment.

"You stupid oaf, you actually tried it on yourself?" He sneered.

"Of course, how else would I be completely certain that it worked?" Came Thor's proud response, causing Loki to roll his eyes. "I will be standing out here with Banner watching your every move, and the others will be watching you through the cameras." As he spoke, Steve guided Nat and Clint toward the door, while Tony stayed a moment longer to glare at Loki.

"Don't hurt her." He spoke quietly, the threat unspoken but audible in his voice. "She has been through too much for you to just play around with her mind and leave her worse than she was before." Loki lifted his chin but stayed silent, for once not wanting to aggravate Tony, and watched through the glass as he left, leaving just him, his brother, Banner and-

"The girl," He muttered, turning to see her for the first time, laying on the floor with wild brown hair, small blue lightning bolts running chaotically across her pale skin. "Are you sure she's not dead?" He asked, deadpan, turning back to Bruce who glared at him.

"No she's not dead," He all but growled. "But she might end up that way if we don't help her." Loki smirked a little at hitting a nerve, but the smile quickly faded to an expression of mild surprise as a quiet voice came from behind him.

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