Chapter Thirty Six

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Nova's P.O.V:

I had not managed to get much sleep that night, whether that was due to the strange excitement of being away from the Avengers Tower after being there for so long, or the paranoia of resting on a bed right next to the God of Mischief. And I mean right next to him. During the night he had slept peacefully, much to my mixture of relief and jealousy. However, he had also rolled over, draping an arm over my waist, creating an unexpected 'spooning' situation. And I had decided to stay still, not wanting to disturb him- the longer he sleeps, the less time I have to spend making sure he doesn't cause any trouble. Annoyingly I was finding myself very comfortable, but even just imagining how Tony or Steve would react to this situation, for example, made me cringe internally. I shuddered lightly before changing my train of thought, spending a little time contemplating how on earth I would manage to keep Loki occupied for another day, acknowledging it worked best with mental stimulation but I didn't feel like I would be able to match his cunning intelligence for very long.

"Good morning, Lady Nova," His low voice murmured right in my ear, surprising me but at the same time sending shivers down my spine. "This is an interesting situation, isn't it?" He referred to the position we were in without even attempting to move away.

"Good morning Loki," I replied, deciding to match his shamelessness by turning so that we were now face to face, the uncertainty visible in his eyes for a moment. "I didn't move because I didn't want to wake you." I explained simply.

"Of course," His smirk suddenly returned along with the sarcastic tone. "That is most definitely the reason you didn't move." I rolled my eyes almost reflexively, unable to hide the slight smile that appeared on my face. Instead, I moved closer to him, so that my lips were almost brushing against his ear.

"You'd like it if that wasn't the only reason, wouldn't you?" I whispered, hovering near him for a moment before swiftly rolling away, standing up and stretching, and as I glanced back at him I could definitely see a little frustration in his eyes. I turned away to hide my triumphant smile, before quickly noticing the sound of footsteps; for a moment I was glad that I had gotten up so that whoever was approaching didn't see... Whatever that was between Loki and I. Finally the owner of those footsteps came into view and I smiled, truthfully feeling a little relieved to see him.

"Good morning Thor, it's nice of you to visit," I called, glancing back to see Loki rolling his eyes and covering his face with his arm.

"Good morning to you too, Lady Nova!" Thor greeted cheerfully, approaching the cell as I allowed myself out for a moment, making sure it sealed behind me once again. I was suddenly enveloped in one of his bone crushing hugs and I laughed breathlessly even as he lifted me far off the ground.

"Okay- Thor- I can't breathe," I managed to wheeze out, and he placed me down gently with an apologetic look on his face. I chuckled once again. "So what's the reason for your prison visit today? Come to check on us?"

"Actually yes," Thor smiled, rubbing the back of his neck as he spoke. "You see, I trust you completely, I thought I'd come and check on things, simply because it's Loki who I don't quite trust-"

"Brother, I am right here." Loki called from where he still lay on the bed, and I had to stifle my laughter.

"Ah, yes, sorry Loki." Thor responded sheepishly. "You know how it is." I could picture the eye roll from where I stood. "It seems my worrying was unnecessary, you seem to be getting along just fine!" I nodded, involuntarily letting out an uncertain chuckle that I failed to hide with a cough.

"Oh- yep, yeah everything's fine," I attempted to speak, but Thor's expression told me he knew it wasn't exactly the truth. "Okay fine, there's a little tension." Loki all but laughed out loud, but I ignored him. "I mean, we've already gotten on each other's nerves already, but I'm working on smoothing things out."

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