Chapter Nine

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Nova's P.O.V.

I couldn't remember where I was. My head was fuzzy and I couldn't move. I only managed to open my eyes a little and my vision was tinted green. All I saw was the blurred outline of a figure standing over me, a faint but familiar scent hanging in the air, and a light pressure against my forehead; I felt I knew who it was, but I couldn't focus my eyes enough to identify them. I slowly looked over to the other side of the room; there was another blurry figure, with something glinting in the light at their side. I blinked again and the figure was walking away, a low voice calling out to I didn't know who. Noises were echoing, I couldn't speak, and my eyelids would not stay open; I quickly succumbed again to the darkness.

The next time I opened my eyes, I found that I was able to keep them open. Confused, I looked around, noting that I was in a soft bed near a window with pleasant sunlight streaming through, a pretty pot plant on the windowsill. There was no one else in the room but me. I slowly sat up, and noticed I was in a very baggy set of clothes; a large grey t-shirt and some comfortable tracksuit bottoms. They definitely weren't mine since I had no belongings, but they smelt clean and fresh. I rubbed my eyes, trying to remember what had happened and...

Wait. I was feeling normal. A little groggy and my neck felt stiff, but I wasn't in pain- in fact I felt very much in control, as though nothing had happened with my abilities at all. Before I could contemplate any more, there was a light knock on my door and someone turned the handle.

"Good morning- Or afternoon," Tony Stark greeted me as he entered the room with a plate of fresh pancakes and a glass of water. "FRIDAY told me you were awake, I thought I'd come up and greet you properly." He added with a warm smile as he placed the plate near me and the glass on the small table next to the bed.

"What happened?" My voice came out as almost a whisper. "Where am I now? What happened to Loki?"

"You're at Stark tower now, completely safe so you don't need to worry. We fixed your problem," He added. "But let me tell you it took a lot of effort to figure it out. Loki was taken back to Asgard, but he said to say goodbye- maybe he has some form of heart after all." He scoffed, taking a few steps forward and sat in a chair that was next to the bed. I flinched at his proximity, automatically scared of causing him injury. "Hey, it's ok! You're not gonna hurt me, and I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise," He said, echoing some of the first words he ever said to me, his chocolate brown eyes gentle as he held out his hand. Slowly, I reached out to him, trembling as our fingertips touched and... Nothing. Cautiously I placed my whole hand in his; Not even a spark. I looked up at him and he was showing no signs of being hurt. My breath caught in my throat and suddenly I felt tears well up. I held onto his hand tightly as I cried in relief; happy that I was finally able to be near another person without causing them pain.

"Thank you," I managed to choke out through my tears. Tony smiled and let me hold on to him as I came to grips with this newest development, completely unaware of how it happened but eternally relieved that I had control of my abilities once again. He was very patient with me and when I calmed down and had taken sips of the water, he stood up to leave me to it.

"Oh- right, I almost forgot. I didn't actually want to give you this, but it didn't seem dangerous and Steve thought it would be rude to throw it away," Tony rolled his eyes and pulled out a small black box from his pocket and placed it on the bed next to me. "Loki left this for you. There's a blank card in there too which is weird, but it seems to be a genuine gift... I personally think it's suspicious," I laughed at him, causing him to give a little smile before he left me to eat the pancakes he'd brought; which I was convinced were the most delicious things I had eaten, ever.

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