Chapter Sixteen

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Nova's P.O.V.

Tony had found out about my disappointing call to director Fury and when he came to see how I was he had a talk with me about it. I apologized to him but surprisingly he wasn't mad at me, he understood what I wanted and even agreed that I could make a good Avenger one day, but told me I shouldn't try it again because of 'security'. I agreed, not wanting to cause any trouble for them- or for me, now that I was probably highlighted with neon lights near the top of Fury's watch-list. However, that did not stop me from trying to eavesdrop; The team were always talking in hushed tones about their mission and researching something in the lab, stopping whenever they saw me. My eavesdropping was never successful, but I was definitely going to keep trying- their secretive behavior was making me far too curious to stop.

In an early hour of the morning after a training session with Clint, who I totally beat, I was sitting with him, Steve, Natasha and Bruce, all finally in the same room for once. I had rummaged around in a few cupboards and had found a lightbulb, entertaining and making the them all laugh as I made it light up with my powers along with plenty of terrible 'bright idea' jokes; I was happy to actually enjoy their company for once since they'd been so busy lately- That is until Stark slammed open the door.

"I'm hosting a party later tonight and it is mandatory that you all be there," He announced, eliciting a groan from Steve, an eye roll from Nat, and a 'Whoop!' from Clint. Bruce let out a rather heavy sigh but didn't say a word. I carefully placed the lightbulb down, afraid I might drop it; Part of me was relieved there was going to be a night where we could all spend time together and I was quite excited, but another part of me was absolutely terrified. When Tony suggested a party after the incident with Bucky, I didn't expect that he meant so soon.

"You're seriously planning a party when we're supposed to be focusing on the mission?" Nat asked- I would say in disbelief, but from her expression it was clear that this was not the first time something like this had happened.

"Of course, do you not remember what I said before? Too much tension, need music, dancing, alcohol?"

"I wouldn't mind a party," Clint chimed in. "Haven't had an excuse to get drunk in a while,"

"That's not very responsible is it?" Steve interjected sternly, causing Tony to laugh, making a joke about the state his poor bow ended up in the last time he got drunk. I began to feel a little panicked so I slipped away while they were joking around and stared out of the large window for a few minutes, watching the clouds pass by in the sky as their words jumbled up in my head, the thought of a social event making my stress levels rise. I subconsciously reached up to touch the emerald necklace and for a moment, I saw that pair of green eyes reflected in the window, and I felt a sense of calm wash over me allowing me to breathe again.

"You ok Sparks?" Tony's voice made me jump, and he smiled at me apologetically. "Look, I can tell you're nervous. You don't need to be, we've all been under a lot of stress lately, we deserve a break!"

"But, I've never even been outside, I mean properly out there-," I murmured, gesturing to the city through the window. "Let alone attend a party. My only outside experiences are either from the asylum or from Hydra..." I trailed off and Tony was quiet for a moment, as though contemplating saying what was on his mind.

"I've got an idea," He whispered. "I know Fury said you're not allowed to leave the building, blah blah blah- but I say we break that rule first. I'll take you out to the city, I'll be with you the whole time you won't need to worry, we'll go exploring, have lunch, you can see all the people doing their daily thing- What do you think?" I admit that piqued my interest and I couldn't stop the grin from spreading across my face.

"Let's do it," Tony smiled, quickly whispered his plan to me, then after I agreed to it he leisurely walked over to the team.

"I've got to head out for a couple hours," He said matter-of-factly. "I won't be long, I'll see you later,"

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