Chapter Two-The Call

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A/N: I am so so so sorry for the lack of updates! I am taking an online class, so I won't be posting as often as I want. The story will continue though, I just might not be able to post for a couple weeks a time. But, here is Chapter Two!

Luke’s P.O.V.:

Man, last night was a blast. It was great getting to see my Sigma Chi brothers and catch up with them. Then I won that award, which I’m still shocked about. To top it off though, Neyami Road had reunited for the first time in almost twenty five years. The experience was surreal. It felt good to perform with them again, I felt like I was back in college all over again. And Caroline? Seeing her dance and sing along, brought back so many wonderful memories. Watching her the way she moved and the way she looked, I would have sworn we were back performing the first show that she had ever been to. The night may have ended, but the memories would last forever. Today, we are heading to Leesburg to visit my family down there. I can’t wait to see Mama, Daddy and Kaye. It’s been a few months since we’ve seen them and they’ve seen their grandchildren.

“Stop it!” I heard Bo yell from the back seat. He was attempting to play a game on his Nintendo 3ds, only to be interrupted by Cynthia’s loud singing of one of the songs from Minnie’s Bow-Toons. She had been watching an episode on the built-in TV attached to the back of the passenger’s seat, my seat had one too. She had her headphones on and was in her own little world, paying no attention to anyone or anything. “Cynthia! Stop it!” Bo yelled again, nudging her rather hard, in the elbow. Cynthia jerked her elbow back, in response to the forceful nudge. “Oww!” she cried. I looked at the kids through the rearview mirror. Cynthia had tears in her eyes and Bo looked disgusted, as he went back to his game. Tate was sound asleep, his head resting against the window.

Caroline had fallen asleep too, because just then, she awoke startled. “What’s going on?” She mumbled groggily. “Bo hit me!” Cynthia whined. Bo grumbled under his breath. “She deserved it! She’s singin’ too loud!” he snapped. “Hey!” I hollered, still keeping my focus on the road, “Don’t make me pull the truck over!” Caroline was slowly coming out of her sleepy stupor and was fully alert. “Bo, apologize to your little sister right now,” she demanded, as she turned around to face him. He just continued to be consumed by his game. Caroline lightly touched his thigh. “Hey, look at me,” she demanded. Bo let out a long, exasperated sigh and did what he was told. “Apologize, now” she said sternly. Bo rolled his eyes and mumbled, “I’m sorry.” Cynthia just ignored him. “And you missy,” Caroline said, looking into our daughter’s eyes, “sing a little softer,” she said, her gaze crossing over to Tate. “We don’t want to wake Tate, do we?” Cynthia shook her head. “No, mommy. He’s grumpy and mean when he wakes up,” Cynthia replied. Caroline and I chuckled. Cynthia sure was a pistol, she had a mind of her own, there’s no telling what was going to come out of her mouth.

We were about five miles away from Leesburg. We were stopping to eat a bite and then we’d be on our way to see the family. I was looking forward to it, I hadn’t seen anybody since summer. Thanksgiving was just a few days away, so we decided we’d stay a few extra days to celebrate with them. Tate had finally woke up, because he looked around and in a grumpy voice, and said, “What was all the yellin’ about?” Everyone except me, because I was paying attention to the road, shot their gaze towards Tate, I guess because that’s the first thing he said, since we got into the truck, and they were startled. Tate was always a quiet passenger. He either watched movies, or fell asleep. “Oh it’s nothin’ buddy, everything’s good now,” I proclaimed, as I peered at him through the rearview mirror. “How’d you sleep, sweetie?” Caroline asked, keeping her eyes on her Kindle. Tate shrugged his shoulders. “Fine,” he mumbled. “Are we almost there?” he asked, with a hint of urgency in his voice. “I have to pee.” I chuckled. “Yes buddy, we’re gonna stop and eat first and you can go to the bathroom, then,” I replied.

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