Chapter Four-Trouble at the Tin Roof

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Chapter Four-Trouble at the Tin Roof

***Author’s Note: I realize the bar is Tin Roof and not some GA bar, but it’s just a story and this story there’s a bar in GA called the Tin Roof haha. There’s a cliff hanger at the end, so stay tuned! I know it’s sounds scary, but everything will work out for Luke. More to come!

Luke’s P.O.V.:

I finally got to the Tin Roof and pulled up alongside the curb. I shut the engine off and pulled the keys out of the ignition. I sat in the driver’s seat just trying to collect my thoughts and decide if this was a wise decision. My daddy just died, I needed a drink, and I needed my best friend, Carter. This one was a no-brainer. I took a deep breath, opened the door and hopped out of the truck. I slammed the door shut and made my way across the street. When I got inside, I saw Carter sitting at the bar. He was playing on his phone. Carter looked up as I approached him. He looked at me apologetically and in a sincere tone said, “Luke, I’m so sorry about your dad, man.” I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I don’t know how many more “sorrys” I can take. “Thanks,” I replied softly, as I fidgeted with the corner of my I.D., where the laminate was beginning to peel. “You look like you could use a drink,” Carter replied as he pulled out his credit card from his wallet. “Have a couple on me,” he replied with a sincere smile. “Yeah. I could use a few drinks,” I replied as I pulled out my wallet. “But, you don’t have to pay for me, Carter.” Carter nodded. “I want to,” he replied. “You’ve been through a lot.” I sighed. He wasn’t giving in. I took a deep breath. “Alright. Well, thanks man,” I replied, patting him on the shoulder. Carter ordered himself a Miller Lite and a whiskey on the rocks for me. I took a big gulp and let it run down my throat. The burn felt good. “So, how’s everybody holdin’ up?” Carter asked, as he set his bottle of beer down. “Mama and Kaye are an emotional wreck,” I replied, taking another swig. Truth be told, I was too. I was so fucking fed up with losing people I loved, yet, my family keeps diminishing one by one. I don’t understand why God does this to my family. God forbid anything ever happen to Caroline or the kids, I don’t think I would be able to survive.

“Well,” said Carter, as he took a swig of his beer, “I’m always for ya man, you know that.” I nodded. “I know,” I whispered, “you always have been.” It was true, he’d been like a brother to me since our days at GSU and he’d had my back in the years since then. I was truly grateful to have a friend like him. He understood what I was going through, both of his parents had died before he finished college. Well, Caroline understood too. “Caroline,” the name sounded in my head and a feeling of guilt washed over me. “What in the hell am I doin’ here?” I thought to myself. I should be at that hospital with my family. My mind was racing and my thought process was running in a million different directions. I couldn’t go back to that hospital. I hated hospitals to begin with and I couldn’t face my family right now. I let out a heavy sigh. I rubbed my hands together the way I always did whenever I was anxious. I heard a voice echoing and felt a tap on my shoulder. “Hey man, you alright?” I was in a daze. “Luke, hey look at me!” I shook my head and snapped out of it. I turned to find Carter looking at me with concern. “Luke, what’s goin’ on, you’ve been in a trance for like five minutes,” Carter said. Only five minutes? It felt like an eternity. I nodded slowly and finally managed to speak. “Ye-yeah,” I stammered. “I’ve just got a lot on my mind,” I replied, as I motioned for Tom, the bartender. “What can I getcha, Luke?” he asked. “A shot of every whiskey you got,” I answered him, as I pulled out my credit card. “Just put it on my tab,” I stated as I handed him my card. “Carter, I don’t know what to do. My family needs me, but I can’t face them right now,” I choked out, as I wiped the tears from my eyes. “I wish I could bring my dad back, but I can’t!” I shouted. Carter draped his arm over my shoulder and gripped it tightly. “I wish I had the answers, buddy. I wish I could help, all I can do is offer my sympathy,” he replied in a sympathetic tone. “I’m so fuckin’ sick of this shit, Carter!” Carter nodded. “I know, man. I know,” he replied rubbing my back. I downed all the shots and bought another round. I was starting to feel a buzz and my head rushed. But, I wasn’t satisfied, I needed more. I bought another round and downed all the shots. I bought another round, and another round and another round. Finally about six rounds in, I was wasted. I was a drunken, emotional wreck. Carter was completely sober. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ,” I laughed drunkenly, “Caroline’s gonna fuckin’ kill me,” I slurred my words together. I stood up from my bar stool and almost fell to my knees, but Carter caught me. “C’mon man, I think you’ve about done had enough,” Carter stated matter-of-factly as he draped my arm around his shoulder and wrapped his arm around my waist to help steady me. I almost thought I agreed with him, until that low-life piece of shit walked through the door. What in the hell was he doing here?

“Well, hell, look what the cat done drug in,” I slurred. “What in the fuck you doin’ outta that hell hole, where you belong Billy?” Carter tried to hold me back. “C’mon man, you don’t wanna pick a fight. Let’s just getcha back, buddy” Carter pleaded. I shook him off and started towards Billy. “You know you really should listen to your friend,” Billy replied sarcastically. “Why pick a fight, when you know you’ll never win anyhow?” Billy laughed. I felt my blood boil and a surge of anger came over me. “Fuck you!” I shouted. I balled my fists and lunged after him. I punched him as hard as I could in the stomach. The force of the blow knocked him on his sorry ass. I grabbed a glass off of the counter and smashed it into his skull. The glass shattered into a million pieces. Billy’s head was full of bloody glass fragments. Blood was dripping down the side of his face. He lay there with an almost shocked expression, before he faded away. I panted heavily trying to catch my breath. Carter placed his hands on my shoulders. “Luke, let’s go now,” he demanded. “Damn it Carter! Leave me alone!” I shouted. I threw his arms off of me. I noticed the 22 caliber tucked in his back pocket and went to grab it. I held onto it, gripping it tightly. My hands were shaking. I was so fucking sick of this bastard. I wanted him dead. He didn’t deserve to be alive. My daddy did, but not him. I slowly pulled the trigger back and then froze. “Think about what you’re doin’ man” the voice in my head echoed. Tears ran down my flushed cheeks. What was I doing? I have a family that needs me. They don’t need to see me locked up for doing something incredibly stupid.

I pulled the trigger back a little further and was just about to release it, when Carter removed it from my grip. “Luke, I think it’s time to go,” Carter spoke softly. I had so much adrenaline coursing through my veins. I stood there, just staring at Billy’s limp body. Oh God! What if the force of the blow to his head did more than just knock him out? What if I actually did kill him? I began to panic. Lord knows I want him dead, but if he is dead, I’ll be arrested and locked up in prison for murder. Caroline and mama would be so disappointed in me, and that wouldn’t exactly do anything good for my career. My fans would hate me. “Breathe Luke,” I thought to myself. He had to be just knocked out. I knelt down beside him and rested my ear against his chest. Thank God, he still had a pulse. All of sudden, Billy let out a small groan. His eyes fluttered open and he incoherently mumbled something. “What the fuck did you do to me?” he managed to spit out. He slowly raised his head eventually got to his feet. I looked at him with disgust and replied, “What I should’ve done a long time ago.” Why did he get such pleasure from tormenting my family? I just want it to all be over. I’m sick of him harassing my family and I’m sick of losing people I love. Billy took the sleeve of his shirt and wiped the blood that was dripping down his face. I looked over at Carter who had this “what the hell is wrong with you?” expression. All I kept thinking to myself was, “what the hell have I done?” I took a seat at one of the barstools and asked Tom for a glass of water. I needed to try and sober up some before heading home. Tom handed me a glass of water and I downed it. I asked for another one and ordered a cheeseburger and fries. I was just about to take another drink of water when I noticed blue and red flashing lights out of the corner of my eye.

“Shit Carter!” I shouted, as I stood up. I looked outside and a cop car was just pulling up alongside the curb. “What the hell we gonna do now?” I asked, my voice full of panic. First of all, who in the hell called the police? Dammit! There goes my career and my reputation down the drain. “Just stay calm,” Carter replied. “We’ll figure it out.” I hoped he was right. “Yeah, but who could’ve called the police?” I asked worriedly. “Surely Tom didn’t, did he?” Carter rested his hands on my shoulders. “Luke, look at me,” he demanded. “Just stay calm.” Like hell, I was gonna stay calm! “Hey Tom!” I shouted. Tom was drying off a glass and his head bolted up. “Tom, did you call the cops?” I questioned him, angrily. “Luke, I’m sorry I had to,” he replied with a stern expression. “Besides, it’s my job to keep my customers safe and report any acts of violence.” I let out a long sigh. “Yeah, I understand,” I mumbled. I heard the door open and looked over to find two husky cop heading in my direction. I felt a lump form in my throat and my palms were sweaty. One of the cops, a tall black man approached me. “Mr. Bryan, you’re under arrest.”

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