Chapter Seven-Thanksgiving and the Big Shocker

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Luke's P.O.V.:

It's been almost a week, since dad's funeral. It's hard to believe that he is gone, but we've been getting through it. Today is Thanksgiving. Caroline and Mama are going to attempt to cook the turkey the way dad always did.   Mama has invited Kaye and Emmet (her son from her first marriage) over to join us. Jordan and Kris are also coming, along with their fiancé's. Til's girlfriend, Savannah is flying in to spend the holiday with us. He bought her a ticket and sent it in the mail. It will be interesting. I've never met the girl before, but Til tells me that they are happy and in love, so I guess that is all that matters. Cynthia and her brothers have been busy all morning making Turkey cut-out cookies. Til has been working on a paper, his professor assigned right before break.

"Oh no!" I heard Caroline cry. I sprang out of dad's recliner and hurried into the kitchen. A big cloud of smoke trailed out of the oven. I waved my hand trying to get rid of the smoke that was coming in my direction. "What's goin' on in here?" I questioned Mama and Caroline. Caroline grumbled under her breath. "Dammit, dammit, dammit!" she yelled. I wrapped my arms around her waist and peered over her shoulder. The turkey was completely black. Mama came over and picked up the big roasting pan with the twenty pound turkey, almost dropping it. I rushed to her aide. "Here mama, I got it" I said, taking it from her. I tossed the turkey into the garbage. So much for dad's turkey being made. Caroline was sitting at the dining table, sobbing softly. "Sweet heart, it's okay." I assured her. "Oh Luke, I wanted it to be perfect!" she cried.

 I took her hand in mine. "Don't worry about it love, we'll figure somethin' out." Of course my soothing words did nothing, but make her bawl harder. She had to be going through menopause again. "Your dad's probably up there laughing," she choked. I chuckled a little. It felt good to laugh. I hadn't been able to laugh or smile really since dad died. "Oh Carol," I said, as I kissed her on the lips. "Just relax." Mama was trying to figure out another alternative meat to replace the turkey. "How does ham sound?" She asked as she pulled a twenty pound ham from the freezer. "Sounds great to me," I replied, taking a sip of my beer. I studied the can for a minute and dumped the rest out. I went into the fridge and pulled out a Dr. Pepper instead. I really needed to stop this drinking. Caroline was right, I used alcohol as a coping mechanism way too much. I cracked open the can and took a swig. It was actually very refreshing. Caroline smiled. "Good job, babe" she praised me, making reference to the soda. I smiled. "Thanks, honey."

"Gimme it!" Cynthia yelled. I walked into the formal dining room to find Cynthia yelling at Tate. "Hey you two, what's goin' on?" I questioned my children. "I want the yellow frosting, but Tate won't let me have it!" Cynthia whined. I looked over at Tate who was frosting a yellow beak on his turkey. "Well," I asked Cynthia, "who had it first?" Cynthia's eyes peered downward as if she were guilty of something. "Tate," she replied softly. "That's right," I stated. "And when someone else is using something that we want, we have to wait our turn don't we?" Cynthia nodded. Tate who was fed up with his sister's whining, shoved the bowl of frosting across the table, so violently, that some of the frosting splattered out of the bowl and onto Cynthia's pink camo hoodie. "Ahh!" she screamed. I shook my head, fed up with Tate's behavior. "Tatum Christopher Bryan!" I raised my voice. "You apologize right now!" I demanded. "Sorry," he mumbled. "Daddy!" she cried scooting out of her chair and jumping into my arms. "Shh," I replied trying to sooth her. "You're okay pumpkin," I whispered, as I kissed her forehead. "Tate, go upstairs right now," I demanded. He stood up from his chair and stormed off. "Thank you for behaving yourself," I said to Bo, who was busy putting the finishing touches on the last cookie. "Yup," he replied.

Once Cynthia was calmed down, I sat her back down. "Let's go see what Memaw and Mommy are doin'" I said, as I took her by the hand. "Okay," she whispered softly. Everything looked like it was going a lot smoother now. Mama had the ham in the oven and Caroline was busy chopping up the potatoes to be mashed. "Well," I said, as I took a seat at the table. "Looks like everything's goin' better, huh?" Caroline was using the hand mixer to mash the potatoes. "Much," she replied. I chuckled. Even if Dinner did turn out to be a complete failure, I still had my family to share it with and that was what really counted. Mama was now making her famous peach pie. I decided I would head upstairs and see how Til's paper was going. I really hoped he would be on his best behavior tonight. Ever since the fight we had, we haven't spoken much.

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