Chapter Six-The Funeral and the Fight

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Luke's P.O.V.:

"Carol!" I shouted up the stairs. I had been down in the basement for the last hour trying to find any last minute photos to add the photo boards for dad's funeral. We were heading to Leesburg tomorrow morning, to prepare for the funeral on Friday. We were going to be staying with Mama for a few days, so we could spend Thanksgiving with her. I sorted through several boxes and found several photos of dad and I fishing, hunting, and our many camping and PCB trips. I even found a few of him as a boy with my Memaw and Pawpaw and a few from when he was in Vietnam. Looking through those photos brought back so many memories, both good and bad. I came across a couple photos of mama and dad's wedding and I just couldn't handle it. I completely broke down. Seeing my mama and dad looking so happy and in love just made my heart ache. Then there were the ones of us at Christmas time, the whole family sitting down in front of the tree opening presents. The excitement on mine and my siblings faces made me wish I could have those moments back again, but they are nothing but a mere memory now. I wiped away the tears that were running down my face. "Get it together," I told myself.

I still wake up every morning hoping it's all a dream and that he will be calling me to see how my tour is going or if I have a good fish story to tell. But then, the reality sets in: I will never see my dad again. He will never kiss his wife again or see his grandchildren grow up, get married and have children of their own. I shook the thought from my mind and took a deep breath. I needed to be the strong daddy and husband for my children and wife. I took out a few more photos and closed up the boxes and put them back up in the attic. I gathered all of my photos and headed up the stairs. "Carol baby!" I hollered once more, thinking maybe she didn't hear me. Nothing. I don't know why, but at that moment I began to panic. I don't know if it was just the thought of Friday approaching and everything that has been going on that was getting to me, but my nerves were on end and the slightest noise or movement sent me into panic mode and made me jumpy all over. I took a deep breath. "Breathe Luke, just breathe," I told myself. I hurried up the stairs and into the kitchen.

"Hi daddy!" Cynthia chirped. She was so sweet and innocent. She didn't have a care in the world. Her pawpaw's funeral was Friday, she should have been sad, but being that she was only five years old, she didn't quite comprehend that this was goodbye. She was eating a bowl of Lucky Charms. I chuckled to myself, as she picked out all the marshmallows and began eating them one by one. I used to do the same thing when I was her age. I would eat the marshmallows first, because they were my favorite and save the cereal for last. I eased on over to the breakfast table and kissed her forehead. "Hi pumpkin," I replied softly, as I brushed the loose strands of blonde hair out of her eyes. I took a seat across from her. "Where's mommy and your brothers?" She took a big gulp of her apple juice before speaking. "They went to get Til," she replied as she got down off of her seat. I cleared up the table and set her dishes in the sink.

In the midst of everything that's been going on these last few days, I had completely forgotten what month it was and that Thanksgiving was fast approaching. Til was on Thanksgiving break and would be coming home for a few days. We had told Til the news of dad's passing, but since he had finals, we told him that he needed to finish those and not to worry about things until he got home. But, we've been really missing him around here, so it will be nice to have him home for a few days. "Oh that's right," I remembered. "He's coming home for a few days, isn't he?" Cynthia smiled. "Yep!" She chimed. I chuckled. She adored Til. He always played with her and did whatever she wanted to do. I'm so proud of Til and the amazing young man he's become. He's really been like a big brother to the kids since he's moved in with us five years ago.

After I rinsed Cynthia's dishes and loaded them into the dishwasher, I decided I would let her watch some t.v., until Caroline and the kids got back. I plopped down into my recliner and kicked the footrest out. Cynthia crawled up onto the footrest and scooted in beside me. I grabbed the remote off of the side table and turned the t.v. on. "What would you like to watch, Cyn?" I asked my daughter, as I lightly brushed her arm. "Sophia!" she chimed. Sophia the First, was one of her favorite shows. Last year for her birthday, Caroline had bought three dvd's and she watched them every single day for a week. "Alright," I chuckled. I changed the channel to Disney, sure enough Sophia was on. While Cynthia was in her t.v. watching glory, I checked my phone to see what was going on in cyber world.

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