Introducing: Cynthia Kelly Bryan

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Cynthia Kelly Bryan is the newest addition to the Bryan family. Luke and Caroline welcomed their little bundle of joy on October 1st, 2014. She is now five years old. She looks just like Caroline. She has her hair and eye color. Luke and Caroline are loving every second of having a little girl. Bo and Tate love her too, most of the time. They are your typical boys and believe that girls are gross. But, they are pretty protective of her. She has her mama’s looks, but she takes after her daddy, in terms of her interests. She is very much a tom boy but can be girly, once in a while. She loves going fishing with her daddy. She is a very rambunctious and outspoken little five year old. Her best friend is Avery Swindell, Cole and Allison’s daughter.

FYI: This isn't really a chapter, more or less, an intro. I just wanted to give a little info on Cynthia. Also, if you remember in the last book, Alli and Cole broke up. But, Alli divorces her former husband and reunites with Cole. They get married and have Avery, Cynthia's best friend.

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