Kidnap By Mr. Agrest

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(Warning🛑 this chapter is very out going. If you dont like begging and very rough sex I suggest you exit off here)

Let the story begin~

One second Marinette was walking into the kitchen. The next she was grabbed from behind and dragged outside kicking and screaming. She could call for help because she lived where you wouldn't see another house for atleast 30 minutes or so. As soon she was thrown into the black van the door closed and everything went black.

When Marinette finally woken up it was still dark but she knew that she wasn't in the van anymore. More like a blindfold is on her head. She tried to move but to only discover that her hands and feet were chained to a wall or bed. She kept wiggling and trying to get loose but that was only making it worsen.

Marinette gasp when she felt a breeze between her legs. She was naked.....
She started to freak out when she heard a door open and close. "No!" Marinette cried wiggling aggressively. Marinette started crying when she heard a chuckle. I mean why wouldn't she? She was in a unknown place, chained up naked her body exposed to god who knows what. There could be a whole crowd in there but she couldn't see.

Marinette scream when a hand touch her left ass cheek. "No! Dont touch me!" She screamed, but they didnt stop. There hand just kept going lower and lower to her womanhood. "Stop please! Let me go! Please doing do this! She cried when she felt a finger being plunged into her womanhood. Marinette was gonna give up. She thought she had to accept that she was going to be raped or even killed after the unknown person was done toying with her body.

Until the unknown person talked. "Why can't I touch what is mine. I mean you never had a problem with it before princess~." Marinette stop her wiggling trying to figure out the familiar voice. " Agrest.." Marinette said softly. "Yes love." He respond back adding another finger. "I fucking hate yo-." Marinette was cut off by her own moan when Adrien started to move his fingers in and out her tight hole.

Marinette didn't know if she should of still be mad at him or let him keep giving her pleasure. As you can tell at this point Marinette didn't she just wanted Adrien to keep assaulting her womanhood. Adrien chuckled darkly when Marinette was rocking her body back and forth trying to create more pleasure for herself.

Marinette whimpered when he removed his fingers and brought it to his lips. Adrien hummed when he loved how she tasted. After of few minutes of silence, Adrien removed the bag from Marinette's head and tossed it to the other side of the room.
Before Marinette could say any thing else she was unchained from the bed and was now on her back trapped under her husband. She panted heavily still trying to calm down from when his fingers was giving her pleasure.

"Why the hell did you do that Adrien?" Marinette whispered while on the edge of crying again. Adrien hush her and moved his left hand up to Marinette's neck pinning her to the bed to make sure she couldn't escape. He planned on fucking her until she couldn't remember her name or how many times she orgasm.

If your wondering why Adrien planned this is because about two weeks before this happened Marinette would always tease him by walking about naked or pressing her body against his while their sleeping, but she would never let him have her. So this is how we got to this situation. So now Marinette was pinned to the bed and can't tease him anymore.

"I will ask you a question and I want you to answer truthfully." Adrien growled into her ear. "Why haven't you let me have you in over two weeks? Why you have been teasing me?" He said motionless. Marinette was stunned that she couldn't even find the word to say sonething." I-I-" Marinette begun but decided to shut her mouth decided her doesn't even deserve to hear her dumb reason. Adrien cocked his head to the side waiting for her to speak up. But all she did was stare at him with a face of pure annoyance. After he saw she wasn't going to take he chuckled and got off her. Marinette was going to sit up to leave but the Adrien turned back around. Grabbed her by her ankles and yanked her to the edge of the bed.

"Adrien!" Marinette squeak at the sudden roughness. "Shut the hell up." Adrien growled at her with anger in his eyes. He leaned back down to her ear while gripping her neck and said " since you won't let me have you I'll just do it my way." He chuckled while unzipping his pants and pulling them down with his underwear." You want to act like a complete bitch when I have done nothing to you but took care of you. Since act like one you will be treated by one." Adrien finish before ramming into Marinette's tight hole.

Marinette screamed when he entered her. It was like the first time they had sex together, when they were both virgins. He didn't even give her time to adjust, he didn't care. Adrien took his hand off her neck and grabbed both of her legs and put them behind her head. Marinette was whimpering and moaning out of pleasure and pain. He wasn't going any slower either. More like he's going faster and harder then usual. He was using Marinette to bring him to his peak. After a few minutes Adrien got tired of seeing her innocent face like she didn't do nothing so her quickly pulled out of her and swung Marinette over so she now was on her stomach. He propped her up into a doggy position before ramming backing into her. When he did this move it caused him to hit her pleasure spot making Marinette screamed while she squirted all over his manhood and the sheets.

But no he didn't stop there he wasnt to make her beg for forgiveness, but until she do he will keep playing with her body.

Marinette was too sensitive and too weak to keep up with Adrien's jackhammering into her little pussy. She was crying out of pleasure and pain when he enter her womb.
"Oh God Adrien I can't take it anymore!" She cried, but Adrien didn't listen. He was waiting until he heard the works he really wanted to hear. "Adrien!" She cried. He still kept ramming into her still waiting. "Adrien please stop!" She screamed again. This time she was trying to break away from his abusive strokes but he kept quite and kept ramming into her.

When he got tired of her trying to move him away from her. He grabbed her by her neck and picked her up so that her back side was against him. Marinette had tears streaming down her face when he went back to assaulting her womanhood.

"IM SORRY! IM SORRY! Please stop it hurts!

When Adrien heard those word he pulled out of her and threw her on the bed. Marinette was sobbing softly while shaking. Adrien scoffed at her her and got up to leave.

"We will talk in the morning. Sweet dreams~." He said closing the door leaving the bluenette in the dark.


Dun, dun ,DUNNNN! I'm sooo sorry for not writing as much. I was going through somethings😖. But now it's all solved and now I have more free time to wright!👏👏 I would very appreciate it if you leave a comment if you want a second part to this or what would you want me to right about next. Any who with out being said bye my catbugs and pervs💅💅.

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